2016 Deutscher Phantastik Preis Nominees

The shortlist for the 2016 Deutscher Phantastik Preis (DPP) has been announced. The award honors speculative fiction published for the first time in German language during the previous year. Winners are picked by a public vote hosted by the online magazine Phamtastik-News.de.

The final round of voting is open until July 17. The winners will be recognized at a ceremony on October 22 at BuchmesseCon in Frankfurt, Germany.

Bester deutschsprachiger Roman / Best novel in German language

  • Valerian Çaithoque: Amizaras 3 – Raphadona (Amizaras)
  • Tom Jacuba: Kalypto 1 – Die Herren der Wälder (Bastei-Lübbe)
  • Susanne Pavlovic: Feuerjäger 1 – Die Rückkehr der Kriegerin (Amrûn)
  • J. H. Praßl: Chroniken von Chaos und Ordnung 3 – Bargh Barrowson (Acabus)
  • Elisabeth Ruetz: Der Schattenkristall 3 – Das Blut der Wächterin (GS Publishing)
  • M. H. Steinmetz: Hell’s Abyss 1 – 666 (Papierverzierer)

Bestes deutschsprachiges Romandebüt / Best debut novel in German

  • Sandra Berger: Transformation am Feuersee (BookRix)
  • Faye Hell: Keine Menschenseele (Amrûn)
  • Maja Loewe: Die Augen des Iriden (Papierverzierer)
  • Luzia Pfyl: Cesario Aero – Kaiser der Lüfte (Ohneohren)
  • Mona Silver: Verlorener Stern (Sieben)

Bester internationaler Roman / Best international novel

  • Ben Aaronovitch: Peter Grant 5 – Fingerhut-Sommer (dtv) [Foxglove Summer]
  • Kevin J. Anderson: Resurrection Inc. (Papierverzierer) [Resurrection Inc.]
  • Terry Pratchett: Die Krone des Schäfers (Manhattan) [The Shepherd’s Crown]
  • Patrick Rothfuss: Die Musik der Stille (Klett-Cotta) [The Slow Regard of Silent Things]
  • Jonathan Stroud: Lockwood & Co 3 – Die raunende Maske (cbj) [The Hollow Boy]

Beste deutschsprachige Kurzgeschichte / Best German short story

  • Katharina Fiona Bode: „Erasmus Emmerich und der zinnoberrote Zinnsoldat“ (aus: Die dunkelbunten Farben des Steampunk [Art Skript Phantastik])
  • Georg Britzkow: „Gesang der Kröten“ (aus: Der schwarze Gott des Wahnsinns [Sarturia])
  • Anna-Katharina Höpflinger: „Selig sind die geistig Armen“ (aus: Verschlusssache [Ohneohren])
  • Oliver Plaschka: „Das öde Land“ (aus: Das öde Land [Low])
  • Carmen Weinand: „Der große Stefano“ (aus: Fleisch 3 [Eldur])

Beste Original-Anthologie/Kurzgeschichten-Sammlung / Best anthology/story collection

  • Die dunkelbunten Farben des Steampunk (Art Skript Phantastik)
  • Torsten Exter [Hg]: Zombie Zone Germany (Amrûn)
  • Ann-Kathrin Karschnick & Diana Kinne [Hg]: Die kleinen Köche (UBV)
  • Oliver Plaschka: Das öde Land (Low)
  • Ingrid Pointecker & Fabian Dombrowski [Hg]: Verschlusssache (Ohneohren)

Beste Serie / Best book series

  • Nicole Böhm: Die Chroniken der Seelenwächter (Greenlight Press)
  • Allan J. Stark: Asgaroon (Papierverzierer)
  • Andreas Suchanek: Heliosphere 2265 (Greenlight Press)
  • Perry Rhodan (VPM)
  • J. H. Praßl: Chroniken von Chaos und Ordnung (Acabus)

Bester Grafiker / Best graphic artist

  • Arndt Drechsler
  • Mark Freier
  • Alexander Kopainski
  • Timo Kümmel
  • Grit Richter

Bestes Sekundärwerk / Best work on secondary literature

  • Alex Jahnke & Clara Lina Wirz: Das große Steampanoptikum (Edition Roter Drache)
  • Geek! (Panini)
  • Michael Haitel & Hermann Ritter [Hg]: Magira – Jahrbuch zur Fantasy 2014 (Amrûn)
  • Multimania (Devil Inc)
  • Bettina Petrik & Stefanie Zurek: With Love, Mary Sue (iFuB) phantastisch! (Atlantis)

(Last year there was also a Best Website category, which does not appear in the 2016 list.)

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4 thoughts on “2016 Deutscher Phantastik Preis Nominees

  1. Perry Rhodan ?? It still lives!

    The Wiki sez:
    “Perry Rhodan is the eponymous hero of a German science fiction novel series which has been published each week since 8 September 1961 in the ‘Hefte’ format (digest-sized booklets, the German equivalent of the now-defunct American pulp magazine) by Pabel-Moewig Verlag, a subsidiary of Bauer Media Group. As of April 2016, more than 2850 booklet novels have been published totalling some 160,000 pages. Having sold approximately two billion copies (in pulp booklet, i.e. novella format) worldwide (including over one billion in Germany), it is the most successful science fiction book series ever written. First billion worldwide sold copies was celebrated in 1986, 3000 fans appeared in Saarbrücken at the second Perry Rhodan Weltcon”

  2. Perry Rhodan is still very much alive as are Ghosthunter John Sinclair (proto urban fantasy), G-Man Jerry Cotton (crime thriller), Professor Zamorra (more proto urban fantasy, Maddrax (post-apocalyptic adventure) and Dr. Norden (medical melodrama).

    Though I’m not sure if I would have nominated good old Perry for the German Phantastik Prize, which is mostly for fantasy.

    BTW, I’m happy to see so many women writers among the nominees. Though the fact that most of the German language nominees are small press and self-published says a lot about the state of German language SFF publishing.

  3. The Jonathan Stroud book is The Hollow Boy in US/UK. For some weird reason the German translators chose the title Die Raunende Maske which translates to The Whispering Mask. This is especially puzzling because the previous book’s title is The Whispering Skull (in both US and Germany).

    Translation goofs aside, I’m happy The Hollow Boy is getting some recognition – I thought it was a return to form for Stroud. (Not that the previous 2 books were bad, but they were definitely lighter than his other work).

  4. Bartimaeus: Thanks for the correction. The title translation error was a result of me making a wrong guess, the DPP site is only in German.

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