2017 Copper Cylinder Awards

Copper Cylinder Award

Copper Cylinder Award. Design created by Peter Halasz and Rebecca Simkin.

The winners of the sixth annual Copper Cylinder Awards have been announced by the Sunburst Award Society. The Copper Cylinder is an annual members’ choice award for Canadian literature of the fantastic.

Adult Award

  • Company Town by Madeline Ashby [Tor Books]

Young Adult Award

  • The Skids by Ian Donald Keeling. [ChiTeen]

Madeline Ashby is a science fiction writer and a strategic foresight consultant. Her debut series about killer robots included vN and the sequel, iD. Her essays and criticism have appeared at BoingBoing, io9.com, WorldChanging, Creators Project, Arcfinity, and Tor.com. Since late 2014, she has been a regular columnist for the Ottawa Citizen.

Ian Donald Keeling is an author and actor. His short fiction and poetry have previously appeared in Realms of Fantasy, On Spec, and Grain. He is also on the faculty for sketch and improv at Second City in Toronto.

[Via SF Site News.]

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One thought on “2017 Copper Cylinder Awards

  1. I am glad to see Company Town getting some recognition. I really enjoyed that book.

    On an unrelated note, I am wondering how the winners get the “trophy” pipe bomb through airport security.

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