2017 David Gemmell Awards Shortlists

The finalists for the 2017 David Gemmell Awards have been announced. <Open public voting on the shortlist continues until at midnight on June 2. The awards will be presented July 15 at Edge-Lit 6 in Derby, UK.

Legend Award – 2017

The Legend Award is presented to the fantasy title judged the year’s best by open vote.

  • Wrath by John Gwynne
  • Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
  • The Wheel of Osheim by Mark Lawrence
  • The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson
  • Warbeast by Gav Thorpe

Morningstar Award – 2017

The Morningstar Award honors the author judged to have made the year’s best debut in fantasy fiction.

  • Infernal by Mark De Jager
  • Duskfall by Christopher Husberg
  • Steal the Sky by Megan E. O’Keefe
  • Snakewood by Adrian Selby
  • Hope and Red by Jon Skovron

Ravenheart Award — 2017

The Ravenheart Award is given to the creator of the year’s best fantasy book cover art.

  • Alessandro Baldasseroni for Black Rift by Josh Reynolds
  • Jason Chan for The Wheel of Osheim by Mark Lawrence
  • Sam Green for The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson
  • Kerby Rosanes for Nevernight by Jay Kristoff
  • Paul Young for Wrath by John Gwynne

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6 thoughts on “2017 David Gemmell Awards Shortlists

  1. Appertainment time: all the links are broken with a rogue file770 link at the front of them.

  2. Mark-kitteh: My computer is determined to help me along every time I copy a link…. Did the appertainment ever close last night? Keep the party going!

  3. The Legend Award is for the book itself, the Ravenheart Award is for the cover art. Though for some reason, the same nominees show up in both categories except that two different Warhammer novels are nominated.

    In general, the shortlist for the David Gemmell Award is the usual sausage fest. Also as usual, I find that the only works I have any sort of interest in and have actually read are to be found in the Morningstar Award shortlist.

    Still, good for the epic fantasy and grimdark fans that they have their own award.

  4. I voted for the Art one. That shortlist runs the gamut from “oh, please” to “ooh, nice” IMHO.

    Appropriate that the artist gets the fanciest trophy.

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