2017 FAAn Awards Voting Opens

The ballot for the 2017 FAAn Awards is now available (PDF file). Anyone interested may vote. Instructions are included with the ballot. The voting deadline is midnight (EST) April 11.

The shortlist was compiled from recommendations by the 41 fans who voted last year plus last year’s administrator. Every category also has a slot for a write-in.

The winners will be announced at the 2017 Corflu convention in Los Angeles.


Fan Art is presented in a fannish context, in fanzines and other forms of publication created by science fiction fans, in any media.

  • Brad Foster
  • Dan Steffan
  • Steve Stiles
  • Taral
  • [Other]


Fanzine Cover includes both front covers and back covers.

(See http://efanzines.com/covers2016.htm for more examples. Any fanzine cover, including ones not shown there, is also eligible).


(General Interest Fanzine). A Genzine is a fanzine which normally contains a significant amount of material by authors other than the editor(s).

  • Banana Wings
  • Fugghead
  • SF Commentary
  • Trap Door
  • [Other]


(Letters of Comment) The Best Letterhack award is also known as the Harry Warner Jr. Memorial Award for best fanzine correspondent. Vote for one of:

  • Steve Jeffery
  • Robert Lichtman
  • Paul Skelton
  • [Other]


(Personal Fanzine). A Personal Fanzine has only one editor who produces all, or nearly all, of the content.

  • Broken Toys
  • FLAG
  • Vibrator
  • The White Notebooks
  • [Other]


Special Issue can be a standalone publication or an issue of a continuing fanzine.

  • THEN
  • Xenotect
  • [Other]


Fan Writing is presented in any fannish context, e.g. fanzines, apas, fannish blogs, fan websites, and social media.

  • Andy Hooper
  • Mark Plummer
  • Dan Steffan
  • Taral
  • [Other]


  • news.ansible.uk/
  • eFanzines.com
  • Fanac.org
  • File770.com
  • [Other]

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4 thoughts on “2017 FAAn Awards Voting Opens

  1. (Posting this on multiple lists….)

    Along with many others, my reaction to the Pick Only One “ballot” for this year’s FAAn awards was shock and dismay. I voted, but it wasn’t with the same energy and enthusiasm as I had for the process in previous years – or even for the Pick Four “primary” balloting for this year’s nominations. It’s difficult to choose only one of the three choices or write in another choice when there are so many worthy candidates in every category.

    It seems to me that the three choices in every category should be listed alphabetically on an actual ballot form with a write-in space for any “Other” choice a voter wishes to make – and, as it’s done in a fan fund election, each voter would mark the ballot 1, 2, 3 and maybe 4 in order of choice. This would make the process more democratic and be more reflective of the fact that fanzine fans have shadings of feelings about fanzines, fan writers, fan artists and fan websites that a single vote can’t possibly address.

    Of course, as in most past years one would be barred from self-voting in categories where one’s name/fanzine/website appears.

    It’s not too late to implement FAAn awards ballot, version 2, since the initial one has only been out for a day. Anyone who already voted would be given a second chance, of course, and the voting deadline is far enough in the future that the results wouldn’t be affected.

    I’m posting this to all the lists where Bill Burns has announced the availability of the initial ballot. Some have stated they will not vote this year in protest of the format. Please discuss the merits of Murray’s choice and the alternative as I outline above (which is not my view alone, since others have posited the same thing), and reach a conclusion in the next few days so that voting can move forward.

    –Robert Lichtman

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