2018 Dwarf Stars Award Winners

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association announced the 2018 Dwarf Stars winner and other top finishers on September 16.


2nd Place

3rd Place (tie)

The award recognizes the best speculative poem of 1–10 lines published in the previous year, and is designed to honor excellent scifaiku, tanka, cinquains, and other types of short poems that tend to be overshadowed in SFPA’s Rhysling Award competition.

Also in contrast to the annual Rhysling Anthology, Dwarf Stars is an edited anthology. SFPA encourages poets, poetry readers, and editors are also encouraged to submit or suggest eligible poems to the Dwarf Stars editor. This year’s anthology is edited by Deborah P. Kolodji. The winner was determined by a vote of the members of the Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association.

[Via Locus Online.]

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