2019 Derringer Awards Finalists

The Short Mystery Fiction Society unveiled the 2019 Derringer Awards shortlist on April 4.

The results of membership voting will be posted May 1.

For Best Flash Story (ranges up to 1,000 words)

  • “The Bicycle Thief” by James Blakey, The Norwegian American, Sept. 21, 2018
  • “Listen Up” by Peter DiChellis, Flash Bang Mysteries, (Winter 2018)
  • “Sonny the Wonder Beast” by Nick Kolakowski, Out of the Gutter, Sept. 16, 2018
  • “Don’t Text and Drive” by Robert Petyo, Flash Bang Mysteries, (Spring 2018)
  • “A Misunderstanding” by Travis Richardson, Out of the Gutter, May 27, 2018

For Best Short Story (ranges from 1,001 to 4,000 words)

  • “The Belle Hope” by Peter DiChellis, Malice Domestic 13: Mystery Most Geographical, Wildside Press, April 2018
  • “The Crucial Game” by Janice Law, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine (January-February 2018)
  • “Dying in Dokesville” by Alan Orloff, Malice Domestic 13: Mystery Most Geographical, Wildside Press, April 2018
  • “If It’s Tuesday, This Must Be Murder” by Josh Pachter, Malice Domestic 13: Mystery Most Geographical, Wildside Press, April 2018
  • “The Cabin in the Woods” by Sylvia Maultash Warsh, Malice Domestic 13: Mystery Most Geographical, Wildside Press, April 2018

For Best Long Story (ranges from 4,001 to 8,000 words)

  • “With My Eyes” by Leslie Budewitz, Suspense Magazine, January/February 2018
  • “Mercy Find Me” by Diana Deverell, Fiction River: Justice ed. Kristine Kathryn Rusch, WMG Publishing Inc., January 2018
  • “The Case of the Missing Pot Roast” by Barb Goffman, Florida Happens ed. Greg Herren, Three Rooms Press, September 2018
  • “Till Murder Do Us Part” by Barb Goffman, Chesapeake Crimes: Fur, Feathers, and Felonies ed. Donna Andrews, Barb Goffman, and Marcia Talley, Wildside Press, March 2018
  • “The Vanishing Volume” by Janet Raye Stevens, Shhhh…Murder! Cozy Crimes in Libraries, ed. Andrew MacRae, Darkhouse Books, September 2018

For Best Novelette (ranges from 8,001 to 20,000 words)

  • “The Adventure of the Manhunting Marshal” by Peter Basile (pseud. of Jim Doherty), Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, Volume 11, Airship 27, March 2018
  • “Three-Star Sushi” by Barry Lancet, Down & Out The Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 3, Down & Out Books, March 2018
  • “The Cambodian Curse” by Gigi Pandian, Henery Press, October 2018
  • “Oil Down” by Brian Silverman, Mystery Tribune (Winter 2018)
  • “I’ve Got to Get Me a Gun” by Vincent Zandri, The Black Car Business: Vol. 1 ed. Lawrence Kelter, Down & Out Books, January 2018

[Thanks to Cora Buhlert for the story.]

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6 thoughts on “2019 Derringer Awards Finalists

  1. One thing I learned from Teresa Nielsen Hayden: If you capitalize it, it’s “Deringer.” With two rs, it’s a generic word, but the name of the thing itself was spelt with one. I don’t think this is a case where millions of wrong uses change it.

    (Perhaps the award is named for the Yancy Derringer TV show?)

  2. Kip: You should go back to Teresa and see if she recommends that copyeditors pass this:

    2019 derringer Awards

    In the haste to display one’s erudition, one should not overlook that the award name would need to be capitalized because — it’s the name of the award.

  3. @Kip: You should wait until Thursday. We’re doing above-the-roll versus below-the-roll.

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