2019 Neffy Awards

George Phillies, President of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, editor of TNFF, and ballot counter, has announced the winners of the National Fantasy Fan Federation Speculative Fiction Awards, the Neffys,

Best Novel (over 100,000 words)

  • Against Three Lands – George Phillies

Best Shorter Work (under 100,000 words)

  •  “The Black God’s Drums” – P. Djèlí Clark – Tor Publishing

Best Book Editor

  • Toni Weisskopf

Best Fanzine (electronic publication is allowed)

  • Tightbeam from the N3F

Best Blog

  • Mad Genius Club – the Mad Genii

Best TV Show

  • Game of Thrones

Best SF Movie/Video

  • A Quiet Place

Best Anime

  • Aggretsuko

Best Graphic Art Publication

  • Raven Daughter of Darkness – Marv Wolfman

Best Cover Art


  • Kent Bash – the March-April 2019 F&SF
  • Brad Fraunfelter – The Broken Throne (novel by Chris Nuttall)

Best Magazine

  • Amazing

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3 thoughts on “2019 Neffy Awards

  1. Mike,
    Thanks for the coverage of our awards, and your other positive work covering stfnal news. I was more than a bit surprised first to be nominated and then to win for Best Novel. Fortunately, the N3F has been offering Awards in some form, on and off, since 1942, so there was a precedent on how to handle the matter.

  2. George Phillies on August 21, 2019 at 7:33 am said:

    Thanks for the coverage of our awards, and your other positive work covering stfnal news. I was more than a bit surprised first to be nominated and then to win for Best Novel. Fortunately, the N3F has been offering Awards in some form, on and off, since 1942, so there was a precedent on how to handle the matter.

    The awards have got a lot more coverage this year, which is good news for them.

    From what I’ve seen elsewhere there are three approaches:
    1. all officials are ineligible
    2. only those officials who directly administer the awards are ineligible
    3. everybody is eligible
    I think 3. can only work if the awards are seen as sufficiently low stakes for everybody, otherwise, you can get dramas from people who lost.

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