2020 Ditmar Preliminary Ballot

The preliminary ballot for the Australian SF (“Ditmar”) Awards for 20202 has been made available for comment and correction before becoming final.

The nominees are award-eligible works and persons first nominated by fans and members of the Australian NatCon which have been compiled into a ballot by a sub-committee elected at the previous National SF Convention business meeting.

The awards will be presented at the 2020 Ditmar Awards ceremony, hosted by Swancon (April 24-26, 2021 in Perth, Australia.)

The Final ballot will have a “No Award” option in each category.

Best Novel

  • Claiming T-Mo, Eugen Bacon, Meerkat Press.
  • The Year of the Fruit Cake, Gillian Polack, IFWG Publishing Australia.

Best Short Fiction

  • “into bones like oil”, Kaaron Warren, in Into Bones like Oil, Meerkat Press.
  • “Whom My Soul Loves”, Rivqa Rafael, in Strange Horizons, 11 November 2019.

Best Collected Work

  • Collision, J.S. Breukelaar, Meerkat Press.

Best Artwork


Best Fan Publication in Any Medium

  • Be The Serpent podcast, Alexandra Rowland, Jennifer Mace and Freya Marske.
  • SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie.

Best Fan Writer

  • Bruce Gillespie, for writing in SF Commentary and ANZAPA articles.
  • Elizabeth Fitzgerald, for reviews in Skiffy and Fanty.

Best Fan Artist


Best New Talent

  • Freya Marske

William Atheling Jr Award for Criticism or Review

  • Eugen Bacon, for Writing Speculative Fiction, Red Globe Press.
  • Grant Watson, reviews on FictionMachine.

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