2022 Prix Julia Verlanger

Congratulations to P. Djélí Clark, winner of the 2022 Prix Julia Verlanger for his novel Ring Shout: Cantique rituel.

The winner was announced at the Nantes Utopiales Festival on October 30.

The Prix Julia Verlanger, run by the Fondation de France, is awarded annually to a science fiction work of adventure, fantasy or fantastique. It is named for Julia Verlanger (1929-1985), author of many science fiction novels under the pseudonym Gilles Thomas.

Ring Shout: Cantique rituel was translated into French by Mathilde Montier.

The other works on the award shortlist were —

  • Claire North — Le serpent (la maison des jeux) (Le Bélial). Translated by Michel Pagel.
  • M. R. Carey — Le livre de Koli / Les épreuves de Koli (L’Atalante). Translated by Patrick Couton.
  • Michael Roch — Tè Mawon (la Volte)
  • Garth Nix — Les libraires gauchers de Londres (Leha). Translated by Florence Bury.
  • Karine Rennberg — Meute (ActuSF)

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