A Resolution by Chris J. Garcia

EDITOR’S INTRODUCTION: We begin our series of reprints from Journey Planet’s “Be the Change” issue with a resolution that Chris J. Garcia will soon submit to the Glasgow 2024 Business Meeting, cosigned by James Bacon, Frank Wu, Jean Martin, Chris Barkley, and Steve Davidson.

By Chris J. Garcia:

Resolved, that it is the spirit of the World Science Fiction Society Business Meeting to stand for the values of fair treatment, transparency, and openness in all dealings with the World Science Fiction Society and the Hugo Awards;

Therefore, we must stand together and condemn the actions taken by the Hugo Award Administration Subcommittee of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, along with the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon Committee, in regard to the management of the 2023 Hugo Awards, including the decision to disqualify rightful nominees without clear explanation, removing rightfully-cast votes, as well as releasing clearly wrong nomination data, all of which is contrary to the spirit of the awards and decades of administrative precedent.

We call on the Chairs, the Committee, the Hugo Administrator, and the Hugo subcommittee of the 2023 Chengdu Worldcon, and any official continuing entities rising out of it, to:

  • provide all information on the decision-making process
  • accept full responsibility for their actions
  • issue an official apology for the damage their actions have caused the individuals excluded from the ballot, the Hugo Awards’ reputation, and the Worldcon community in general
  • recuse themselves from all future World Science Fiction Society committees and organisations

(Note: If you would like to be a co-signer of this resolution, contact us at [email protected])

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11 thoughts on “A Resolution by Chris J. Garcia

  1. I do not have a membership, so I cannot sign it.

    But I will repeat what I said when this was announced on the Facebook JOF group:

    “A small but necessary step in the cleanup the WSFS so badly needs if it wants to retain current Worldcon attendees and attract new ones.”

  2. I’ve sent you an email with my legal name to add to the list of signatories. Thank you for proposing this resolution.

  3. The naming and shaming reads like Maoist Denunciation and Self Criticism from the Cultural Revolution era.

    A resolution that certain types of actions are not in the spirit of the awards is more palatable.

    Resolve that publishers and all staff should recuse themselves from all aspects of awards administration.

    Resolve that it is contrary to the spirit of the awards for a single publisher to purchase or reimburse anyone for the purchase of more than a single voting membership for a single voting representive.

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