Amok In Three-Quarter Time

The Wall Street Journal reports La-La Land Records has released a $225, 15-CD set, Star Trek: The Original Series Soundtrack Collection.  Containing every piece of music from the show’s three seasons, it delivers 17 hours of listening pleasure.

Catch the details in “Music That Lives Long and Prospers” during its 7-day free period.

Why have the musical scores stood the test of time? Gene Roddenberry told an interviewer in 1982:

“I thought, my God, I had better keep as many things as possible very understandable to my audience… I was afraid that if, on top of bizarre alien seascapes, I had beep-beep-beep music, then I would be in trouble.”

[Thanks to Sam Long for the story.]

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5 thoughts on “Amok In Three-Quarter Time

  1. Perfect for that music lover with a 17 second attention span who wants 17 hours of accoustic wallpaper.

    I can picture somebody asking, “Honey, where’s the Excedrin? I’ve got a Triskelion fight-to-the-death scene headache coming on.)

  2. Compare this to Doctor Who’s use of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop through the original show run, a music lab that created “beep-beep-beep” music beloved by generations of fans.

  3. I suppose it’s worth noting that last night’s The Simpsons had Bart Simpson fighting with a kid from a Portland, Oregon hipster family which had moved to Springfield, accompanied by an acoustic guitars rendition of the “Amok Time” Kirk/Spock fight music.

  4. A lot of recent “cartoon music” was composed by Perry and Kinglsy, which is quite good, strange and odd. Initially they thought it would be “Music from the future”, but it’s simply too be bop and squeaky to be exactly that.

    After I composed my taut little comment I thought how wonderful those weird 5-10 second ambient rifts in THE OUTER LIMITS were. I can recall them, so I don’t need a recording.

    …and the Carl Stalling Project….

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