Bastards of Kirk

Lloyd Penney’s acting talent is in demand. The perennial FAAn Awards contender for Best Letterhack has already performed for a CD of SF radio dramas titled Sectarian Wave. Now he’s about to appear in a film – or at least his voice will.

Maninder Chana at Red Fort Films, who worked with Lloyd on the Sectarian Wave project asked him to work on their newest project, a fan film called Bastards of Kirk, looking into how a certain starship captain might have left little ones throughout the galaxy.

The project’s website teases: “In the 23rd century, 60 Minutes searches out the whereabouts of one James T. Kirk, who has disappeared following a row of paternity lawsuits. As the news magazine investigates, they uncover a conspiracy by the Federation that could have universal consequences and create all-out war among the planets. And Kirk is at the centre of it all.”

Lloyd was invited to an audition and asked to put on his best Scottish accent. And he got the part. He writes: “Taping should start in just a couple of weeks, and while I will not be seen in the film, I will be heard. (Possibly my profile, with perhaps a moustache and a red shirt.)”

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