Bring Lyn McConchie to NatCon 50

Lyn McConchie

The 2011 Australian National Convention (Swancon 36/Natcon 50) will be held at Easter, only a few weeks after the 20th anniversary of Lyn McConchie’s first professionally published short story, “The Sar Shan Kelpie” which appeared in the March 1991 issue of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Fantasy Magazine.

Lyn lives in New Zealand and fans would like to bring her to Australia for this year’s NatCon. With Lyn’s permission Jean Weber has been raising funds to pay Lyn’s travel expenses.

Now is the time to push the McConchie fund over the top. Easter isn’t that far away when you’re waiting to make definite plans and secure travel reservations.

 For more info and to contribute, click here.

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