Candidates Wanted for 2020 DUFF Race

Paul Weimer and Marlee Jane Ward, Administrators of DUFF, the Down Under Fan Fund, are seeking candidates for the 2020 race. The winner will travel from North America to ConZealand, the Worldcon in Wellington New Zealand and become the North American Administrator of the Fund.

Nominations are open until January 17. The candidates will be announced soon after.

To get on the ballot a fan needs three North American and two Australasian nominators (who will each need to independently confirm their nominations to the administrators via email), a platform of no more than 100 words, a bond of US$20/CAN$25 [The bond can be sent by PayPal to [email protected] ] and a guarantee to attend the 2020 Worldcon in New Zealand if you win.

Nominations should be sent via email to both [email protected]  (Paul Weimer) AND [email protected] (Marlee Jane Ward). 

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4 thoughts on “Candidates Wanted for 2020 DUFF Race

  1. Forwarded this to a buncha people and also TruFen, Fmzfen, Southern Fandom Classic. Gee, a mere 47 or so years since I lost the very first DUFF race, to Lesleigh Luttrell…

  2. James Davis Nicoll: Um. (toe scuff). How would I indicate interest in a socially acceptable way?

    That’s a good start. Pretty much, round up a posse of nominators and follow the rest of the entry guidelines. If there’s any help or feedback I can give, email me.

  3. And of course, James, if you have any questions, you can email me. 🙂

    I WANT a race with lots of candidates. That’s GOOD for the Fund.

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