Cats Sleep on SFF: Critical Point

Karen Babich shares a snapshot of a cat using a genre book for a pillow:

I live with some cats who are very fine creatures. One of them, Finn, recently rested on my library copy of the newest Cas Russell novel by SL Huang.

Since the cat had his back to the camera in that photo, I’m also including my favorite recent photo of the Finn, in which he happens to look skeptical. (As one does.)

Photos of your felines resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

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10 thoughts on “Cats Sleep on SFF: Critical Point

  1. Skeptical, indeed! “I am sorely disappointed to have to report a severe deficiency of petting and food to the manager of this establishment.”

  2. @JJ
    I’m skeptical of that report. Photographic evidence suggests he would be quite irresistible to pet and that he’s well fed. 🙂

  3. I’m skeptical about that cat’s relationship with gravity; one startled waking, or even a careless stretch, and he’s off the table — or demonstrating levitation, which cats aren’t supposed to let humans see.

  4. Laura: I’m skeptical of that report. Photographic evidence suggests he would be quite irresistible to pet and that he’s well fed.

    But just look at that face. That is a “sorely disappointed about the severe deficiency of petting and food” face. 😀

  5. Yes, of course, it’s never enough. They can give you that look while you’re petting them immediately after being fed! 🙂

  6. Beautiful cat in the second photo: “You’re sending which photo to File 770?! ORLY.”


    . . . after a nap. ::stretch:: ::yawn:: ::licking paw:: . . . zzzzzzz.

  8. @Lis Got it in one, I think: why is this petting hand doing anything besides petting? Damn paparazzi.

    (I have also promised that my next public photos of him will only follow proper post-prandial grooming.)

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