Chicago in 2012 Adds Online Pulps

So many writers have been interested in contributing stories to the Chicago worldcon bid’s series of collectible pulps that extra issues will be created and posted at the Chicago in 2012 website where fans can read them for free.

The series of paper issues are available to fans who buy $20 for a “pulp collector” membership to support the bid. There have been five mini-magazines so far, each with a story by a well-known sf writer and a cover by a notable artist.

The authors and titles of the stories to date are: Frederik Pohl, “Bialystok Stronghead and the Mermen” (8/08), Mike Resnick, “The Paternal Flame” (11/08), Matthew Woodring Stover, “South Loop Whipsaw” (2/09), Phyllis Eisenstein, “Boltzmann Schiaparelli and the Lizard King” (6/09), and Gene Wolfe, “Planetarium in Orbit” (8/09).

The cover artists have been: Frank R. Paul, delphyne woods, Stephan Martinière, Randy Broecker, and Deb Kosiba.

The next paper issue will be released in November at Windycon.

The first free online issue was posted in September, featuring Richard Garfinkle’s “Eternal Quadrangle” and a cover by Alessandra Kelley. Others will follow in the months no paper issues are scheduled to come out.

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2 thoughts on “Chicago in 2012 Adds Online Pulps

  1. As someone who works in the “cyclopean” building featured in “Eternal Quadrangle” I can attest to the authenticity of both the story and art in depicting the local scene.

  2. Are they using actual pulp paper? If not, it’s clear misrepresentation and fraud, and I shall be consulting my attorneys immediately.

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