Comic Book Roundup

Compiled by Carl Slaughter:

  • Best selling comics

The rest of the videos follow the jump.

  • Best comic book covers

  • Worst comic book covers

  • Comic book relationships

  • Comic book superhero triangles

  • Upcoming comic book superhero movies outside Marvel and DC

  • MCU comic book changes that were justified

  • Comic book marketing


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2 thoughts on “Comic Book Roundup

  1. Best Selling Comics is Americanised unfortunately, and inaccurate. Where is Mickey Maus, which sold 800,000 copies a week in the 1990’s (German Mickey Mouse Comic) or Asterix and the Chariot Race, which released last year, was reported to have an initial print run of 5 million. Asterix and the Missing Scrolls had a reported initial print run of 4 million in 2015, and Asterix and the Picts, released in 2013, had a reported initial print run of 5 million.

  2. It’s not accurate with respect to American comics, either. In the 1950s, Walt Disney’s Comics and Stories (an anthology Disney comic) sole multiple millions of copies per issue. And in the 1940s, the original Captain Marvel sold well over a million copies per bi-weekly issue. These weren’t “special event” issues, like discussed in the video — just routine sales of very popular comic books.

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