Complete Anarchy

Anarchy Comics: The Complete Collection, edited by Jay Kinney, brings together all four issues of the underground comic published between 1978-1986. In it are the comic stories of thirty contributors from the U.S., Great Britain, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, and Canada.  

Kinney’s fanzine art in years gone by compels a mention – as does Steve Stiles work in the book.

Contributors include: Jay Kinney, Yves Frémion, Gerhard Seyfried, Sharon Rudahl, Steve Stiles, Donald Rooum, Paul Mavrides, Adam Cornford, Spain Rodriguez, Melinda Gebbie, Gilbert Shelton, Volny, John Burnham, Cliff Harper, Ruby Ray, Peter Pontiac, Marcel Trublin, Albo Helm, Steve Lafler, Gary Panter, Greg Irons, Dave Lester, Marion Lydebrooke, Matt Feazell, Pepe Moreno, Norman Dog, Zorca, R. Diggs (Harry Driggs), Harry Robins, and Byron Werner.

Alan Moore of Watchmen fame gives the book an enthusiastic plug:

60’s counterculture, supposedly political, mostly concerned itself with hedonism and self-focused individualism, as did the underground comix it engendered. Anarchy Comics, to which all the scene’s most artistically and politically adventurous creators gravitated, was an almost singular exception. Combining a grasp of Anarchy’s history and principles with a genuinely anarchic and experimental approach to the form itself, Anarchy Comics represents a blazing pinnacle of what the underground was, and what it could have been. A brave and brilliant collection.

It’s available from PM Press for $20.

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