Congratulations Vanessa and Chris!

Chris Garcia and Vanessa Applegate married on February 7 in a ceremony at the Computer History Museum (where Chris works) in Mountain View, California.

Derek McCaw officiated over the ceremony, which featured the couple jumping the broom. A video shot by Capt. Sams has been posted to YouTube.

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5 thoughts on “Congratulations Vanessa and Chris!

  1. Nice to hear good news for once. I hope all works out for them, now and in the future.

  2. Aha. No doubt this is the real reason behind Chris ending his 400 issue run of Drink Tank. Soon, his other fannish activities will also draw to a close, as he applies his shoulder to the grindstone in increasing dedication to the pursuit of a responsible, adult, married lifestyle. Except he will still attend Worldcons, of course. You don’t have to stay a fanboy to do that. ; )

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