Deadline for Journey Planet “Be the Change” Is Upon Us – May 17 

By James Bacon: The deadline for Journey Planet – Be the Change — is imminent, the 17th of May has raced up, and this is a last-minute shout-out to fans, to submit their pieces to [email protected]

We are looking for next steps, solutions, where we go from here, and motions to be brought to the WSFS business meeting. 

While reflecting on what occurred in 2023, we are looking to the future. There’s been a lot of Hot Air, and we are not interested in musings for the sake of it. But if you are involved actively with a current or future Worldcon, we do want your view as a person who makes this magic happen. 

We have a number of submissions, and welcome more, suggested motions with explanations for publication, and views from those who are involved actively with the Hugo Awards and Worldcon and want to share your view of the future.  

We are also keen to hear from current or past Hugo Awards finalists if you have some views on your experience that you wish future conventions to consider.  

We plan to republish all contributions on 

Please send submissions, and last-minute queries and so forth to [email protected]

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3 thoughts on “Deadline for Journey Planet “Be the Change” Is Upon Us – May 17 

  1. I have wrote with my proposal but I didn’t get a reply…

    Oh dear, about sums it up for the self-appointed gate-keepers.

  2. There’s been a lot of Hot Air, and we are not interested in musings for the sake of it. But if you are involved actively with a current or future Worldcon, we do want your view as a person who makes this magic happen.

    I tried to construct a Venn diagram of Hot Air, Musings, Active Involvement, and Being a Person Who Makes Magic. If my calculations are correct, are you actively involved with a future Worldcon? is a trick question.

    I have a straightforward amendment, in three versions: Soft-shell (receipts and tracking numbers, officers of previous and subsequent Worldcons may audit), Hard-shell (the above, giving identical ballots that meet certain criteria less than a full vote), and Retro (all of the above, by snail mail only). Perhaps I’ll just post them in a comment.

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