DisCon III Covid Update

DisCon III members have received an email with a Covid Tracking update and best practices for returning home. The committee reports five people have reported positive test results, one of which was a false positive.

The email provided the following information:

We want to keep you informed as our COVID response team tracks contacts after the convention. We also want to suggest best practices for your return home based on current CDC advice.

  • Unless you had contact with a person with symptoms, you do not need to self-isolate.
  • We encourage all convention attendees to test five to seven days after the convention (Thursday-Saturday)
  • Wear a mask indoors in public for two weeks following the convention, or until you test negative.

What to do if you test positive for COVID-19?

  • Tell the convention at [email protected]. We will keep your name private but may share anonymized information about your activities for contract-tracing purposes.
  • If your positive test result was from an at-home antigen test, try to obtain a PCR test for confirmation.
  • Think about where you were and if you had your mask off.
  • Inform anyone you know personally and were in close contact with about your test result
  • Close contact is defined as someone who was within 6 feet for a total of 15 minutes or more within 2 days prior to illness onset, regardless of whether the contact was wearing a mask.
  • The CDC recommends a 10-day isolation period. Day zero is the first day you develop symptoms or test positive.

COVID Tracking

Five people have reported positive test results, one of which was a false positive.

Case A – False positive

  • Concerning the case we reported on Friday, we are happy to share that their PCR test was negative.
  • They are feeling better.

Case B (originally emailed to members on Sunday)

  • One DisCon III member who was staying off-site was feeling poorly on Friday Night.
  • They went home and woke up on Saturday with a scratchy throat, took a covid antigen test, and tested positive.
  • They are self-isolating with their partner who has tested negative.
  • They did not attend any program items.
  • They spent very little time in the Omni Shoreham and were masked at all times.
  • They attended the Art Show on Thursday at 6 pm ET and never removed their mask.
  • They dined at Lebanese Taverna on Thursday and Friday, unmasked while dining, their companions have tested negative.

Case C – Named with permission, Vanessa Rose Phin, to make contact tracing easier

  • Reported a positive case on Monday
  • Ves partner is negative
  • Ve was likely infected Wednesday and may have been contagious by Sunday
  • Attended the Hugo Finalists Reception
  • Attended Hugo Ceremony, seated in the front center section
  • Feeling improved today but still has mild symptoms

Case D 

  • Reported a positive test on Tuesday
  • Slight cough, but otherwise asymptomatic
  • Spent most of the convention in suite 525, mostly in the study area
  • Attended the business meetings, but no other panels or events
  • Ate at the hotel restaurant Sunday night. Has directly notified dining companions and other extended personal contacts.
  • Masked at all times in public areas except while dining

Case E

  • Reported a positive rapid test on Tuesday
  • Stayed off-site
  • Attended panels and parties throughout the five days.
  • More details will be provided when we have them.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email [email protected]

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12 thoughts on “DisCon III Covid Update

  1. I’ve had a slight sore throat since Monday. It’s Wednesday now. I’m getting tested today.

    I tested negative with a home test Monday, but I may have screwed it up. I put the swab in the liquid before I swabbed my nose, so I substituted a q-tip. I have no idea whether this invalidates the test.

    I’m seeing a few reports from other people with sore throats who’ve tested negative.

  2. Nancy Lebovitz: Makes me think of the “con crud” that sometimes pops up, which was not so stressful before there was Covid to worry about.

  3. Mike Glyer: Makes me think of the “con crud” that sometimes pops up, which was not so stressful before there was Covid to worry about.

    I caught something at Chicon 7 that had me close to bedridden for nearly 6 weeks afterward. It’s not Covid, but con crud can be really bad.

  4. Nancy Lebovitz says I tested negative with a home test Monday, but I may have screwed it up. I put the swab in the liquid before I swabbed my nose, so I substituted a q-tip. I have no idea whether this invalidates the test.

    As long as the handle was cardboard, you should be fine. If it was wood, that will invalidate the test.

  5. Nancy – here’s hoping the home test was right. We both had a slightly scratchy throat, hers more so than mine, but hot drinks made it go away for me.

    If yours just turns out to be a cold, std. answer: take zinc gluconate (ColdEez or generic, they’re all the same), and they really are clinically proven to stop a cold.

  6. Pingback: DisCon III Reports Four More Test Positive | File 770

  7. Pingback: DisCon III Releases Third Covid Update | File 770

  8. Pingback: DisCon III Reports Two More Test Positive for Covid | File 770

  9. Pingback: DisCon III Adds Four Positive Covid Tests on December 26 | File 770

  10. Pingback: DisCon III Daily Covid Report Has Five New Cases | File 770

  11. Pingback: DisCon III Final Covid Report Has One New Case | File 770

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