Dublin 2019 Booking Link Goes Live January 9

Dublin 2019 members hotel booking link goes live January 9 at 2 p.m. Dublin Time (which in other time zones is 3 p.m. CET or 9 a.m. EST, for example.)

The convention’s accommodation webpage says:

We have been negotiating with Dublin hotels to get the best rates possible, and have secured blocks in many 3 and 4 star hotels near the city centre, including all those closest to our venue – The Convention Centre Dublin (CCD). All have given us heavily discounted rates, often 15-30% lower than the average lowest rate you would have found for those same hotels in August 2018.

  • Average Single Rate €205
  • Average Double Rate €220
  • Lowest Single Occupancy Rate €177
  • Higher Double Occupancy Rate €308 in a 4.5* Radisson Blu

Note: These prices all include a full Irish breakfast and are the averages of an equivalent of €167 EUR a night (excluding taxes and breakfast). However we also have some triple occupancy rooms and some of hotels offer rates for room only (no breakfast).

To achieve the substantial discount, we have had to accept some special terms that may affect the scheduling of your booking:

  • Payment in Full – When you book, the full amount for all the nights of your stay will be charged as a deposit. [Payment is possible with any type of Visa or MasterCard – credit, debit or prepaid card.]
  • Refunds & Cancellations – Payment will be fully refundable if the booking is cancelled by 10th May 2019 (just over 3 months out from the first night you can book at the convention rate). Beyond that date, it will be 50% refundable for another month in many hotels. After 10th June 2019, the deposit will become non-refundable in all cases.
  • Block Expiration – You will not be able to book at the convention rate in these hotels after June 10, 2019, as any unsold rooms in our block will have been returned to the hotels for sale on the open market – almost certainly at rates significantly higher than before….

More guidelines and information about other accommodations at the website

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11 thoughts on “Dublin 2019 Booking Link Goes Live January 9

  1. Let the bloodbath of first-five-minute hotel reservations for the Worldcon hotel blocks begin (in just under 2 days)! ::shudder:: ::setting alarm:: 😉

  2. Looks like it only took the site three minutes to choke and die under the load.

  3. I got in right when it opened, but several places don’t even offer booking options for the 6-night span, and the Hilton Garden Inn didn’t offer anything but Twin rooms for the 4-night span — in other words, there were apparently not any Single or Double rooms left before reservations even opened.

  4. The hotel I wanted said it had no rooms even when I narrowed the date range down to after the con began and before it ended. I ended up calling and booking by voice – but with a checkin of the 13th rather than the 11th as the site said would be available, with a request in the file to add the two nights and the guy on the phone’s statement that it should work out but would take a day. So I still can’t buy plane tickets or start planning sightseeing.

    The good news is the charge to my credit card has gone through (owwww!) so holy crap, I’m going to freaking Ireland!

  5. After finally making last-minute changes last night to decisions on hotel preferences, I obsessed and second-guessed all night long, sigh. ::yawn:: I need a nap! I went to the booking site a few minutes after 9 AM my time. It took quite a while to load initially, but I just left it loading and once it did, it worked fine, yay. I’m not sure if it was choking on the load or just is very slow because it loads a megaton of stuff to support the in-page updating it uses.

    (BTW the process was less daunting in person than the super-detailed walk-through in the Dublin 2019 e-mail made it seem, heh.)

    I didn’t look too closely at the options but was initially confused because I thought the list was alphabetical. When I didn’t see our preferred hotel, I realized I had to search the page for it. Was that page in some kind of mysterious order? I didn’t waste time looking more closely to figure it out.

    Anyway, as @Patrick Morris Miller wrote above: we’re going to freaking Ireland! Also regular Ireland. 😉 It’ll be great to be back; it’s been decades. Ah, Ireland, where they’ll bring you a potato on a separate plate then inexplicably steal it back before you’re done! [ETA: IIRC it was stolen when the entree arrived, WTF, Ireland. Or I’m misremembering the precise sequence of events. Either way, it was baffling.] Good times, good times. 😛

    Warning: WordPress still doesn’t send me comment e-mails, so I may be slow reading comments here.

  6. I booked an Airbnb instead. Now mostly hoping that I will get well before Worldcon, because it will be irritating if I go to a convention when I have trouble speaking to others, can’t move around too much and have problems shutting noise out.


  7. Have you gotten a diagnosis yet? As awful as it is having a chronic illness, it must be even worse not knowing what it is…

  8. Nope. Infection specialist more or less ruled out infection and neurologist said that it doesn’t look like anything neurological and ruled out most usual diagnoses. So I’m somewhere in limbo now.

  9. @Hampus Eckerman: I’m sorry; that sounds frustrating as hell!

    (I’m behind – way behind – on File 770 reading, so I wasn’t aware of your illness.)

  10. I’m behind, too. I’m sorry, Hampus – I hope they figure it out soon and are able to cure it,

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