Filer Meetups at Dublin 2019: Times and Places

By Hampus Eckerman: The times and places for the filer meetings at Worldcon in Dublin 2019 have now been finalized.

First Filers Almost Sleeping at SFF Meetup

Day: Thursday, 15:th of August

Time: 18:00

Place: Dublin Convention Center, Third Floor

We’ll meet in the Bar Area near the lifts and the Mobi Parking. Please be on time for this meeting as I don’t know how long people will stay. This is mostly to get to know each other’s faces so we recognize each other when we meet during the convention. Possibly to decide a waiting/meeting place if someone has time over and wants to see if that goes for other filers too. There is a map of the are in Progress Report 5.

Filer Live Action Pixel Scroll Meetup

Day: Saturday, 17:th of August

Time: 17:30

Place: East Restaurant, by Spencer Hotel


East is an Asian Fusion Restaurant by a Cocktail Bar, a few minutes walking distance, or one bus stop, from the Convention Center. It is a more quiet alternative than the pubs we looked at and was more flexible in accommodating for an unknown number of guests. We said 20-30 persons as a likely number of guests.

If someone has time over before the convention and wants to meetup for dinner or something else, please mention it in the comment section.

Looking forward to seeing you all!

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33 thoughts on “Filer Meetups at Dublin 2019: Times and Places

  1. Hey, Juli and I be GLAD to meet up with the gang! My only regret is that I lost my File 770 ” Hive of Scum & Villainy” button since San Jose…?

  2. I’ll definitely make it to the First Filers, and will hopefully be able to do East as well. Also, I’m off work tomorrow and will be doing stuff around town for at least some of the day if anyone else is around and wants to say hi quickly. Email is firstname dot lastname at gmail dot com.

  3. Chris, I think I have at least one extra from the batch I did at Spokane… and if there’s a button maker in the dealers room I’ll get another dozen or so done up

  4. I’ll be able to make it to First Filers. Not sure about the dinner. See you there.

  5. Many thanks, @Hampus Eckerman! I hope to be there at one or both, but haven’t (blush) worked out my schedule yet.

  6. I had a lot of crap happening while travelling to Dublin, but I’m finally here. I left Bremen at 6:20 AM and was finally at the hotel at 10 PM – after a long and unplanned stopover in Amsterdam. I’ll explain what happened tomorrow, when I’m not bone tired, because I’ve been on my feet for 20 hours straight.

    I already met some WorldCon folks. First, two nice Swedish fans on the airlink bus and then Phil Dyson and his wife, who really helped me out a lot, when the airlink bus mistakenly dropped me off at the Convention Centre and I had to go to the Gibson Hotel near Point Square, with two heavy suitcases in the rain. Luckily, Phil was the second person I happened to ask for the way to the Gibson (the first had no idea where it was). In fact, the only thing that made today bearable was that everybody I met was lovely, both fans and mundanes.

    I’ll be at both meetings and am really looking forward to seeing all of you.

    Tomorrow, I’m helping out with move in at the point Square/Warehouse venue. If anybody else has some time on their hands tomorrow, they’re always looking for folks who can help out.

    Thanks, Hampus, for organising all this.

  7. Thanks so much for organising! I’ll definitely be at the first meetup and hopefully there for dinner on Saturday too. Looking forward to it (and should probably go pack for my flight later today…)

  8. Anyone going to the Masquerade? If so, which level (upper or lower) and entry time (7 or 7:30) are you getting a wristband for?

    I’m on the fence since I have a camera and like to take photos, but with good seats reserved for, e.g., guests in the lower level, I’m thinking no matter where I sit, I’ll have to zoom a ton and won’t have great pix anyway. 😉 So . . . I’m flexible if folks are going and want to go as a group.

  9. Cool, I’ll go for upstairs, @Christian Brunschen. 🙂

    Shall we try to meet a bit before, if so, where?

  10. I have one extra armband for 19:30, upper level, if someone wants one. Go together from the meetup?

  11. Standback, you aren’t the only one that will be a bit late, so no problem. The restaurant has been told that people might drop in bow and then.

  12. @Christian Brunschen, et al.: I’m on the left center of the upper level, up a few rows. Not great so don’t feel compelled to sit here. 😉 I have a few seats guarded but right now, this row is mostly empty. 😛

    Er I mean at the Masquerade.

  13. dinner sounds like a good idea.

    one note, John Scalzi has a reading at 19:00 that was added to the schedule today.

  14. @Hampus, just arrived in Martin’s, near the entrance. no sport on the screen any more?

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