Flegal and Mohrbacher Respond to Accusations in Video

Sam Flegal and his business partner Pete Mohrbacher who run One Fantastic Workshop uploaded a video to YouTube in late October titled “Accusations Addressed,” responding to charges such as those included in File 770’s roundup of social media, “Artists Corroborate Flegal Harassment Allegations” (which also reported accusations concerning Noah Bradley.) The video runs two-and-one-half hours; there is also a transcript at YouTube.

The video has been criticized as a subtle but profound denial and diversion of what happened.


Charles Urbach told File 770:

Sam Flegal’s and Pete Morhbacher’s discussion of women’s sexual and psychological histories and sharing of private messages in their video (including a message I sent to Sam) are profoundly disturbing to me. I was never asked for consent and am unsure why my name, pro history, and private communication with Sam would be included in the video at all. After watching it, the rest of the video left me with larger concerns about Sam and Pete’s actions, motives, and roles as mentors. Like many in the art community, the allegations about Sam were deeply disappointing to me and raised concerns for the safety of others. Rather than address or assuage my concerns, this video and my unwilling inclusion in it, confirmed and magnified them.

Pete Mohrbacher also made this (originally public) post on the One Fantastic Week Facebook group.

M.M. Schill commented:

Eunjoo Han commented:

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2 thoughts on “Flegal and Mohrbacher Respond to Accusations in Video

  1. I tried to read the transcript of this video, but only made it through about the first 20%. It is full of these two men explaining why the women who’ve posted their stories are confused or even mentally screwed-up, that what they say Flegal did isn’t what actually happened, that they actually welcomed Flegal’s attentions, and that Flegal isn’t really an abuser. It’s so transparently manipulative, and is the exact opposite of Flegal accepting responsibility for his actions. There’s no acknowledgment of the wrongs he did, no personal accountability. There’s no apology here. It made me physically ill. I had to stop reading.

    I am so sorry for the people who were victimized by Flegal, and who have been re-victimized or intimidated by what is very obviously an attempt on his part to smear their reputations and blame them for what he did.

  2. I first learned of this through an artist in my extended social circle. It horrified me then, it horrifies me now. I’m really grateful to Mike for continuing to cover the story.

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