Forry Briefly Hospitalized

Forry Ackerman has pneumonia, according to a report forward by Bjo Trimble and John King Tarpinian. Ackerman spent a day in the hospital, but went home on Halloween. When Terry Pace called, Ackerman told him he’d spent the evening greeting trick-or-treaters.

Bjo included Terry Pace’s e-mail appeal:

I would highly recommend as many cards and letters as possible, and certainly as soon as possible. The address is:

Forrest J Ackerman
4511 Russell Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027

If this is indeed Forry’s final bow, the Famous Monster will be reminded (as he certainly knows already) of how much he is truly admired and adored by so very, very many. If there is a chance (however slim) that he can still rebound and recover, the depth and degree of the response would certainly reinforce his will to live and secure whatever strength he has to keep fighting.

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