Frazetta Family Feud Ends

Suddenly it looks like charges against Frank Frazetta Jr. will be dropped. He has been awaiting trial on charges of stealing 90 of his father’s paintings.

But the Pocono Record reported on April 24 that a federal mediator met for two days with Frazetta family members and their attorneys, including Frank Sr., sons Frank Jr. and Bill Frazetta and daughters Holly Frazetta and Heidi Grabin.

The mediation resulted in Frazetta Sr. agreeing to drop a pending trademark infringement lawsuit against Frank Jr.

In a statement, family said “all the litigation surrounding his family and his art has been resolved. All of Frank’s children will now be working together as a team to promote his remarkable collection of images that has inspired people for decades.”

The agreement also is expected to make the criminal case go away. The Record was told by the family and its representatives that prosecutors said they would not pursue the criminal charges against Frank Jr. without the testimony of the senior Frazetta, and he is no longer willing to testify against his son.

[Thanks to Steven H Silver for the story.]

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