Gaylaxicon 2010 Cancelled

“I’m assuming, since Gaylaxicon is cancelled, that my guest of honor appearance is also cancelled,” writes Elizabeth Bear on her LiveJournal.

Con-News reported Gaylaxicon 2010’s cancellation on April 9. The committee explained on their website:

After months of negotiating in good faith with our chosen hotel, we came to the conclusion that they were not acting in kind and an agreement with them was not possible. At this point, we cannot find suitable space for the same weekend, without risking the financial well being of convention. As Gaylaxicon 2011 is already scheduled for April 29 – May 1 2011 in Atlanta, GA, delaying the convention was also not a good option. As a result, we are regretfully canceling Gaylaxicon 2010.

They had intended to hold the 2010 Gaylaxicon at the Marriott Chateau Champlain in Montreal.

Bear’s lighthearted reaction could make a literal-minded reader imagine the GoH showing up regardless of the con being cancelled. The one time that happened it certainly wasn’t voluntary — when Larry Niven arrived at Ozarkon to find it had been called off while he was en route.

[Thanks to Dan Goodman for the link.]

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