Get Ready for the Second Round of the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition

Judges are being recruited for the second round of the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition through July 15. The application form is here.

On July 15 authors will be able to submit their books to the contest.

File 770 will not be organizing a team of judges for the next round.

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3 thoughts on “Get Ready for the Second Round of the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition

  1. If anyone is interested in becoming an SPSFC judge, I am looking to form a new team and probably need around 2-4 recruits to make it viable.

    The current requirements to judge the contest are:

    Read 10% of 30 books to eliminate 20 of them.
    Read the remaining 10 in full — or give them a DNF (Did Not Finish) or NMS (Not My Style). The top 3 scoring books make the semifinals.
    Read 6 semifinalist books that came from other teams. Eight books make the finals.
    Read any of the 8 you haven’t read yet. One book rules them all.

    These requirements may become easier. That’s currently under discussion.

    I’m continuing as a judge because there were enough well-written books to make the process enjoyable. I’ve also found that I’m reading a lot faster than I did before the contest. Over time I had become glacial in my reading speed. I used to plow through 10-15 SFF books a month (though admittedly this was when they were Moorcock- or PJF-sized and not big honking GRRMs).

  2. Rcade: Glad you included that announcement here. The link to the application is above but how should people contact you?

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