Glasgow 2024 Previews Program and Participants

Glasgow 2024 has released a sample list of Worldcon program items, and an initial list of 50 confirmed program participants.
Glasgow 2024 will host over 500 hours of scheduled program items, featuring well over 500 participants from around the world. Programming will take place on-site at the Glasgow SEC and online, with a significant proportion of the items available through live streaming and delayed playback.

PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS. The initial list of over 50 confirmed participants includes writers, editors, critics, bloggers, podcasters and fans from across the UK, US, Europe, Africa, Australia, China, and the Caribbean. Between them they have won Hugo, Nebula, Locus, World Fantasy, Seiun, Sidewise and British Science Fiction Association Awards.
These participants join Glasgow’s previously announced Guests of Honour and Special Guests, a diverse mix including authors, editors, artists, scientists, astronauts, game designers, actors and podcasters.

Joe Abercrombie
Charlie Jane Anders
Paolo Bacigalupi
Liz Batty
Peter S. Beagle
Shannon Chakraborty
John Clute
Paul Cornell
Aliette de Bodard
Kelly Sue DeConnick
SB Divya
Nadia El-Fassi
Amal El-Mohtar
R. S. A. Garcia
Helen Gould
Lev Grossman
Joe Haldeman
Peter F. Hamilton
Niall Harrison
John-Henri Holmberg
Ai Jiang
T. Kingfisher
Mary Robinette Kowal
Naomi Kritzer
Darcie Little Badger
Ehud Maimon
Arkady Martine
Juliet E McKenna

Foz Meadows
Farah Mendlesohn
Annalee Newitz
Garth Nix
Abigail Nussbaum
Ehigbor Okosun
Sarah Pinborough
Sarah Pinsker
C. L. Polk *
Gareth L. Powell
Alastair Reynolds
Olav Rokne
John Scalzi
Alison Scott
Kevan Smith
Kari Sperring
Charles Stross
Geri Sullivan
Dr Sarah Summers
Takayuki Tatsumi
Adrian Tchaikovsky
Jo Walton
Regina Kanyu Wang
Zach Weinersmith
Martha Wells
Neil Williamson
Gary K Wolfe
Neon Yang

PROGRAM ITEMS. The program sampler highlights the vast range of topics to be featured in Glasgow. The Scottish venue will be reflected by panels on Iain Banks and Alasdair Gray, while global perspectives will range from Slavic mythology to African cultural influences in fantasy. Program will discuss found family in SF; fungi in speculative fiction; inclusive game design; and the art history of Studio Ghibli. There will be a dozen or more items at a time to choose from.
SPECIAL EVENTS. Glasgow 2024 will also be running a wide variety of special events, including a new opera, orchestra performance, live theatre, costume masquerade and of course the Hugo Awards Ceremony.

Members can also enjoy the Art Show, shop in our Dealers’ Room or explore a wide range of displays.
MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE. We continue to welcome new members to join the 6,000+ who have already signed up to this unique experience. Individual Day Tickets, 5-Day Attending Memberships and Online attendance options are all available – see our website for full details and prices.

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5 thoughts on “Glasgow 2024 Previews Program and Participants

  1. That is a fantastic list of 49 amazing people (and one horrid internet troll) who will be on panels at the Worldcon. Can’t wait for Glasgow!

  2. Sadly I can no longer attend in person so I’ve got my digits crossed that many of these will be accessible online!

  3. That list of participants will be growing soon; participants got confirmation emails just a day or so ago and have to explicitly opt in to be listed.

    I filled out my form yesterday; I do not know how frequently the webpage will update.

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