Glitter of the Week

Arnie Katz served up another buffet of 2012 Corflu news in Glitter #7.

Corflu Glitter is working to please nonsmokers and smokers alike. Non-smokers are assured that the hotel, Sunset Station, forbids smoking in all public, indoor areas except the casino. And Corflu’s main consuite will be in a non-smoking room on a non-smoking floor. However, there will also be a consuite on the 4th floor, where smoking is permitted in the rooms.

Meanwhile, science friction fandom has been heard from, forcing the Las Vegas Corflu committee to declare —  

In response to two, unrelated requests, Corflu Glitter is unalterably and unequivocally opposed to banning, barring or excluding any fan from Corflu under any circumstances. We would never host a Corflu that prevented any legitimate fan from attending.

…Let me make this even more emphatic: If Corflu Glitter’s favorite fan in the whole wide world asked us to exclude the worst person we know in Fandom, we would not do it.

That’s good, because I don’t think any of us would want to miss an opportunity to meet Claude Degler…

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One thought on “Glitter of the Week

  1. That’s right, Claude hasn’t been around since Tucker encountered him at Indianapolis’s InConjunction back in 1980 (or was that 1981? Well, it was a while back). This will be a great thrill. Perhaps we can get some previously convicted child molesters to attend as well, although with consideration to the fact that there won’t be many children running around at a Corflu these days I’m uncertain how we could entice them.

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