Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

Vox Day reports on Vox Popoli that Goodreads deleted his account and also the Rabid Puppies Group just 36 hours after he set them up.

He received this message from Goodreads:

Hello Vox,

Your account was recently brought to our attention. Upon review, we have decided to remove it from the site. A CSV of the books you shelved is attached for your personal records. You are banned from using Goodreads in any capacity going forward.

The Goodreads Team

I checked Goodreads, and both accounts are gone. (There remains an older Vox Day account, where all the entries were made in 2009.)

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357 thoughts on “Goodreads Deletes Vox Day, Rabid Puppies

  1. “Since Vlad so kindly left a link to this evil librarian who had cut off his privileges, I decided to contact him with a warning.”

    It is like Gamergate, but with more stupid.

  2. Iphinome on January 4, 2016 at 9:52 pm said:

    Camestros Felapton on January 4, 2016 at 9:37 pm said:

    [It’s worth a go surely]

    Ahh but SJWs tend to say untrue things, or so I hear. Obviously that means the weakness isn’t doughnuts but instead pizza and beer.

    AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not joking – a pizza delivery just arrived (for the wrong house) and there was beer in the fridge!

    We are messing with dark forces here people – DARK FORCES.

  3. It appears that the official Goodreads line for their action in other banning messages is “attempted manipulation of our ratings.”

    One of Vox’s commenters has posted this message he received from Goodreads giving their reasons:

    Hello Peter,

    Your group Rabid Puppies was recently brought to our attention. We do not tolerate the attempted manipulation of our ratings or any other abuse of our site features.. Given this, we have removed your group from the site.

    Please note that future groups engaging in activity of this nature will also come under review for removal.

    The Goodreads Team

    And another posted a similar reason:

    I was the group moderator under the name “Vlad” and they deleted my account and all 100+ reviews (most of them having nothing to do with SJW fiction) as well. As in Peter’s case, they claimed I “attempted manipulation of our ratings”. However, I certainly envisioned such a possibility occurring, and am more bemused by it than anything.

    I don’t know where that falls within their TOS; probably (x) interfering with the proper working of the Service as not messing with the ratings on a ratings service is pretty much rule zero.

  4. @Sean O’Hara

    Voxies lil pups are making an attempt at tracking you down in the comments to VDs post. I’d just double check what info you have public on social media etc if I were you.

  5. Simon Bisson on January 4, 2016 at 11:21 pm said:
    As I am currently in Vegas for CES, all I can say is The House Always Wins.

    Unless it’s Castalia House

  6. Camestros Felapton on January 4, 2016 at 11:09 pm said:

    We are messing with dark forces here people – DARK FORCES.

    Isn’t that the point?

  7. By the way, not that any Puppies will believe this (or admit to believing it), but:

    This is how you know that there’s no far-reaching cabal of SJWs controlling the Hugos across multiple Worldcons in multiple nations with multiple administrators and vote-counters and the like.

    People just aren’t that good at keeping secrets, and the larger a conspiracy gets the faster it’ll be exposed, because someone’ll be a security leak, if only for the pleasure of exposing secret truths.

    So either you’ve got to figure there’s no cabal, or there’d be hard evidence would be all over the place by now, or you’ve got to figure that those nutty SJWs are amazingly disciplined and wicked good at keeping secrets. Much better than Puppies.

    And really, honest, there’s no large group of people anywhere who can keep a secret this well. Certainly not among any group of genre fans…

  8. @Komrade Kurt

    Aha, the old double-bluff trick, I approve. See you at the next meeting.

    ETA: Damn, did I just post that in public?

  9. Yesterday Beale posted a comment boasting at his courage in being willing to attack targets he saw as weak and vulnerable. I rather think he had the same attitude towards the Hugos. Having a bunch of people willing to swarm your target for you may make you an awful person and someone to be wary of; it doesn’t make you anywhere near as powerful as you think it does, or as you want people to think it does.

  10. OK, OK, so Kurt is saying that there isn’t a conspiracy knowing that the Puppies will therefore infer that there is a conspiracy BUT as he knows that is what they will think THEN he is clearly trying to manipulate them into thinking there IS a conspiracy, and so therefore there ISN’T a conspiracy…unless it is all a diversion to hide the TRUE conspiracy…something, something Knights Templars, something, Stonehenge, something, sad dog ore, something QED. I’d better watch Iphinome’s video again.

  11. The screenshots are fascinating. I’d never thought I’d ever get to see the RP when they think no one’s around. They’re giving it the usual Bro-bravado on their blog now, but inwardly they must be cringing.

    Watching a spoilt billionaire’s brat succumb to Great Leader syndrome is kinda funny, but all those guys hungry to erase their own individuality and bow to a bully so he can anoint them as bullies is… well, weird.

    Hopefully some of them will cotton on their ‘Darklord’ isn’t quite the tactical genius* he’s portrayed as.

    *(Vox claimed, just after ISIS rose up, that Baghdad would fall within weeks. Anyone with any knowledge could tell you the Shia majority were never gonna let that happen and possessed armoured/air defence to back it up. Funny he’s never mentioned Baghdad again, or admitted his misdiagnosis)

  12. Camestros Felapton: Kurt is saying that there isn’t a conspiracy

    Oh, we know that there is a conspiracy, because, as Dave Freer insists:

    We pulled up evidence of collusion and breaches of the rules by their side

    and as proof, he has posted links… well, I’m sure that the Puppies will be posting links to this evidence any year now, because they’ve got evidence that Tor blah blah Scalzi blah blah Nielsen Hayden blah blah SJW Cabal.

    And they’re going to provide that evidence at any moment now. Seriously.

  13. @Mark: 🙂

    Speaking of conspiracies a certain heavy user of Twitter dropped this little tweet earlier:

    John Scalzi ?@scalzi 6h6 hours ago

    A fun fact, apropos of nothing in particular: Goodreads founder Otis Chandler and I went to the same high school. Small world!

    John Scalzi – Lord of Mischief 🙂

  14. John Scalzi: @scalzi 6 hours ago: A fun fact, apropos of nothing in particular: Goodreads founder Otis Chandler and I went to the same high school. Small world!

    That Scalzi, he is such a scamp. Of course, he’s making it look as if they know each other, when one of them went to that school around 10 years after the other.

    I have to admit it’s hugely hilarious to see him toy with VD’s minions in this way.

  15. I’m sure that the Puppies will be posting links to this evidence any year now, because they’ve got evidence that Tor blah blah Scalzi blah blah Nielsen Hayden blah blah SJW Cabal.
    And they’re going to provide that evidence at any moment now. Seriously.

    And I wait with baited breath, barely able to contain my fluttery anxiety.

  16. I’d also have to observe that VD’s ability to read and understand rules documents appears to be on par with his ability to count to five

    Oh, and there goes the coffee out of my nose. Thanks, Mike!

  17. @Bob. Correction noted. And I will transfer the cleaning bill from Mike to you 😉

  18. @Justin:

    Sorry, but as you can clearly see in section V.2.iii.(23)-gamma, Illuminati members cannot be held responsible for humor-related cleaning bills caused by the mocking of lesser cabals. Just mash a couple of the fnords into the stains; nobody’ll notice. 😉

  19. I am particularly impressed by the Rabid Puppies’ accomplishments in targeting Lis Carey’s review: they managed to ensure that it’s the highest rated review on Riding The Red Horse’s page.

  20. What Ted really needs is to go the Dr Doom route and get himself a bunch of robot duplicates. Every time one of his dopey schemes blows up in his face he can blame the robot, blow it up, and move onto his next cunning plan/waste of time.

  21. Wile E Coyote doesn’t learn from failure. He just digs his heels (claws?) in deeper.

  22. Well, that was quick. So much for all that boasting about deliberately skirting around the rules, eh?

  23. @rob_matic–

    I am particularly impressed by the Rabid Puppies’ accomplishments in targeting Lis Carey’s review: they managed to ensure that it’s the highest rated review on Riding The Red Horse’s page.

    They meant to do that!

  24. I think M. Reynolds has a good idea above, re: referring to Teddy Beale as Trelaine. May this should become Beale’s Tank marmot? Just a thought.

    Also, I think the SJW conspiracy may only be foiled by a mix of custard stuffed and raised glazed donuts. Definitely the secret weakness.

  25. VDs dad is only a millionaire, if he was a billionaire with the same delusions he wouldn’t be in jail, he’d be running for President.

    Also VD is so good at counting, he does five twice.

    John Scalzi’s tweet is a perfect twist of the knife.

    Even Stormtroopers hit the right target now and again, unlike VD. Seriously, has he nothing better to do?

  26. Just as a second data point, my favorable Goodreads review of Red Horse got blessed with 12 likes in the past 48 hours. Looking at the other books liked, etc. I’d say most if not all are VD fans.

  27. Rather than Trelaine I’d like to put in a vote for Treguard of the UK childrens TV series Knightmare. He was a hammy dungeon master who recruited enthusiastic children with promises of glory then cut their ability to see clearly with the “Helmet of Justice” before sending them on obscure quests through computer generated landscapes that almost always ended with their defeat.

    (That was such a good kids TV show. Did it or the format ever make it to the US?)
    (OMG wikipedia says there was a remake on Youtube back in 30mins)

  28. We use Tank Marmot to get around auto-moderation. Beal’s name isn’t moderated so I see no reason to deliberately mis-nomer him.

  29. I’ve always thought that the best response to accusations of a conspiracy is to say, “Wow! What brilliant idea! Yeah, let’s start a conspiracy!”

  30. Camestros Felapton on January 4, 2016 at 11:09 pm said:

    We are messing with dark forces here people – DARK FORCES.

    I loved that game!

  31. @Glenn

    Would you like some ice cream with your schadenfreude pie?


    Very true. My snark overrunneth again.

  32. I have to admit, I wonder how it has to feel deeply believing that you’re a superior genetic specimen, part of a secret cabal whose minions will inevitably crush your many enemies…and logging in to your computer to find out that you’ve been defeated by the moderation team at Goodreads.

    Never happened to Fu Manchu, is all I’m saying.

  33. @Glenn: C’mon, all superior mutants have big bald heads, as per the Nutty Nuggets principle of cover design.

  34. I believe Captain Kirk said it best, “Vox, I’m laughing at the superior intellect.”

  35. @Ultragotha

    I’m aware of that, I’m just thinking the characterization of Teddy as a child possessed of more power than he knows what to do with (all relative of course) is just so freaking appropriate.

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