Gregory Benford at Nebula 2024: Photos by Richard Man

By Richard Man: One of the pleasant surprises with Nebula 2024 was that Dr. Gregory Benford was there. Dr. Benford suffered a stroke in December 2022, but he appears to be recovering well and quite sharp.

Gay Haldeman, Naomi Fisher, Joe Haldeman, and Gregory Benford (seated)

Richard Man, Gay Haldeman, Naomi Fisher, Joe Haldeman, John Hertz, and Gregory Benford (seated)

Photos by and © Richard Man.

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8 thoughts on “Gregory Benford at Nebula 2024: Photos by Richard Man

  1. I’d been wondering how Greg is doing. It’s good to see that he’s recovering.

  2. I would like to wish Greg speedy recovery. I know him personally from my one-year scientific visit at the Univ. of Calif. in Irvine. And I was starting to translate his latest book “The Berlin Project” into German. Best greetings to Greg! Roman

  3. So glad to see Greg is recovering. We were in the same APA together when were were young in fandom, and I am sure he does not know how much he contributed to my life. Its been a while since he stopped by the house, for obvious reasons, and I am hoping to have him up and bouncing around again soon.

  4. Currently there are only three photos in the set, but I will populate the gallery with more images in the coming days – I have the whole Nebula conference photos to process and post, and I just graduated from the UC Berkeley CTO Executive Program, and launching a new webapp/website for artists, so I am even more swamped than usual.

    Here’s the URL link: you can bookmark it and visiting it later.

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