Happy 99th Birthday Bob Madle

1930’s Fan Bob Madle and the slightly younger Fan Curt Phillips; May 1, 2019.

Bob Madle, turns 99 today. A founder of First Fandom, Bob attended the 1936 event in Philadelphia considered by some the first sf convention, went to the first Worldcon in 1939, co-founded the Philadelphia SF Society, was a finalist for the 1956 Best Feature Writer Hugo, won TAFF in 1957, and was Suncon’s (1977) Fan GoH.

By Curt Phillips: I visited Bob at his home two weeks ago just before Corflu 37, which was held in Rockville, MD this year.  Bob is doing very well, and in spite of some health issues over the past couple of years is active, sharp as a tack, and still loving science fiction and fandom as much as ever.  He’s still selling rare science fiction books and magazines too and during my visit I parted with a few hard earned dollars to buy some Wonder Stories and some other magazines that I’d been looking for, but the best part of my visit was to simply sit in Bob’s enormous pulp warehouse and talk about early science fiction with him.  He’s known everybody in science fiction and fandom over the decades and has fascinating stories to tell.  I only had a few hours to visit, but I could have stayed for days. 

First Fandom founder, WWII veteran, science fiction’s master bookseller; Robert A. “Bob” Madle. He was there at Fandom’s beginnings and he’s with us still.

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5 thoughts on “Happy 99th Birthday Bob Madle

  1. I bought my copy of Seduction of the Innocent from Bob, back when I was considerably younger. That’s SFF, I’m pretty sure. I salute his endurance and wish him good things.

  2. Got my copy of The Outsider and Others from Bob in the early 70s and a lot of other books after that. Got to finally meet him at conventions. Great to hear he’s doing well! Happy Birthday, Bob!

  3. I’ve known Bob Madle for more than 50 years, and his longevity gives me hope that I can follow in his footsteps. I’ve known Curt considerably less time, but he’s a Ghood Man, too!

  4. My Dad – Chester D. Cuthbert – dealt with Bob for several decades, and always counted on Bob’s prices as the basis for all trade deals.

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