Horror Writers Association’s 2016 Specialty Press Award

The Horror Writers Association has named Omnium Gatherum as the winner of its 2016 Specialty Press Award. The award brings recognition to an outstanding publisher of horror, dark fantasy, and weird fiction.

Omnium Gatherum means “this” and “that” in Latin. The publisher released its first four titles in 2011. Since that time, it has grown from a one-person operation to a robust small press, employing many talented and creative people. This press is dedicated to bringing unique voices to publication, and working hard to produce excellent stories that explore the dark recesses of genre fiction. Kate Jonez, the editor-in-chief of Omnium Gatherum hopes the publisher’s success inspires others, especially woman and underrepresented individuals, to take the leap and make things happen, even when facing insurmountable odds. Great things can happen from honest efforts.

Kate Jonez is quoted as saying, “I am thrilled and honored for Omnium Gatherum to be recognized by the HWA. The organization has been essential to the growth of the company. We couldn’t have done it without the advice and support we’ve received from so many wonderful members.”

The award will be presented during StokerCon2017 aboard the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA, from April 27-30.

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One thought on “Horror Writers Association’s 2016 Specialty Press Award

  1. Technically, the word “gatherum” is not Latin–it’s fake Latin made by adding the suffix -um to “gather.” “Omnium” is Latin, but it means “all.” The term “omnium gatherum” means “all gathered together”; i.e., a miscellany.

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