Hugo Update Is Chengdu Worldcon’s First Email Message to Members

The Chengdu Worldcon Hugo Team sent an update yesterday, the first time members have received any email contact from the committee since they won the site selection vote in 2021.

The English text of the message says:

The 2023 Hugo Awards nomination page is currently in its final testing and is expected to open by the end of this month. The nomination instructions will be sent to members by email after the nomination opens. At the same time, the paper ballot will also be sent via email and available on the official website.

The 2023 Hugo Awards nomination phase is expected to last till the end of April 2023, when the Hugo Awards Subcommittee will review the works nominated for qualification (e.g. classification errors, filling errors, etc.) and prepare the finalists and ballot. The 2023 Hugo Awards finalists will be released and voting will begin by the end of May 2023, and the voting phase is expected to last till the end of August. The final results will be announced at the Hugo Awards Ceremony during the Chengdu Worldcon.

The above information is also available on official website at and social media channels.

The 2023 Hugo Awards Subcommittee of 2023 Chengdu Worldcon

Below is a screenshot of the message (without the addresses in the header).

I didn’t get the email at the same time as the first person who sent me a copy so I raised a question to the committee. I got a copy about 18 hours after hearing from that first fan. Judging by the way my copy was addressed – to me and 19 others whose emails were cc’d – they did a piecemeal distribution during the course of the day. Many people have said they found the message in the spam file of their email inboxes, and that was true for me, too.

The information in the email is a slightly more detailed version of what Hugo Administrator Dave McCarty ran on his Facebook page on February 7.

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53 thoughts on “Hugo Update Is Chengdu Worldcon’s First Email Message to Members

  1. “At the same time, the paper ballot will also be sent via email and available on the official website.”

    A little hazy on the meaning of words there.

    If they can do that, I could presumably e-mail myself to the convention.

  2. @Jon DeCles–you will print the pdf to paper, and I’m struggling to believe you could convert yourself to pdf to send to the convention as an email attachment.

    Or, honestly, that you would get any benefit from doing that.

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