Ignotus Awards 2022

The winners of the Premio Ignotus 2022 (2022 Ignotus Awards) have been announced by Spain’s Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror.

Winners for works translated into Spanish are Tamsyn Muir, Sarah Gailey, and Alix E. Harrow.

Novela / Best Novel

  • Brujas de arena, by Marina Tena Tena (Insólita)

Novela Corta / Best Novella

  • Carcoma, by Layla Martínez (Amor de Madre)

Cuento / Best Short Story

Antologia / Best Anthology / Collection

  • Cuentos para Algernon: Año IX, by multiple authors (Marcheto)

Libro de ensayo / Best related Book

  • La Nave Invisible: 5 años de travesía, by multiple authors (self-published)

Articulo / Best related work

Ilustración / Best Cover

  • Cover of Las bestias olvidadas de Eld, by María Matos (Duermevela)

Producción audiovisual / Audiovisual production

  • Las escritoras de Urras, pódcast by Maielis González and Sofía Barker Lumak, pódcast by Ander Mombiela and Eleazar Herrera

Tebeo / Comics

  • Nada del otro mundo, by Laurielle (Fandogamia)

Revista / Magazine

  • Windumanoth, by Álex Sebastián, David Tourón and Víctor Blanco

Novela extranjera / Foreign Novel

  • Gideon la Novena, by Tamsyn Muir [Gideon the Ninth] (Translated into Spanish by David Tejera (Expósito, Nova)

Novela Corta Extranjera / Foreign Novella

  • Se buscan mujeres sensatas, by Sarah Gailey [Upright Women Wanted] (Translated into Spanish by Carla Bataller Estruch; Crononauta)

Cuento extranjera / Foreign story

  • “Señor Muerte”, by Alix E. Harrow [Mr. Death] (Translated into Spanish by Marcheto, en Cuentos para Algernon)

Sitio web / Web

  • La Nave Invisible, by multiple authors (https://lanaveinvisible.com/)

Libro Infantil-Juvenil / Children’s-Youth Book

  • El ciclo de vida de la mariposa nocturna, by Bruno Puelles (Dolmen)

Juego by Rol / Role Playing Game

The category is cancelled for 2022 under Artículo 29 – Failure to receive votes on at least 10% of the ballots).

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