Jane Yolen on YA Hugo Possibility

Fans are divided over the proposal to add a Hugo category for YA books. No matter your opinion, it’s worth hearing what a leading YA author thinks about the idea.

Jane Yolen has enjoyed success in many literary categories and is renowned among YA audiences. Craig Miller had an opportunity to ask for her views. Here’s what she said about adding a YA book category to the Hugos:

All the YA and children’s book writers I know who do sf and fantasy WANT a Hugo within a designated category and don’t feel it would ghettoize the award at all. It will also make it much easier to “sell” sf/fantasy books to the teachers and librarians. They LOVE to see award stickers and lists of award winners and buy from those lists. It would make a huge difference.

[Thanks to Craig Miller for the story.]

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3 thoughts on “Jane Yolen on YA Hugo Possibility

  1. The more I htink about it, the more I want San Antonio to use their One-Time Hugo on Best YA to see how it works. Best Fancast seems ot have proven that the category will work

  2. How many authors are going to argue -against- having their particular part of the SF/F geography have a Hugo category for it? The Romance Writers of America has all sorts of categories for its RITA award:

    Best First Book
    Contemporary Series Romance
    Contemporary Series Romance: Suspense/Adventure
    Contemporary Single Title
    Historical Romance
    Inspirational Romance
    Novel with Strong Romantic Elements
    Paranormal Romance [this includes urban fantasy romance, fantasy romance, science fiction romance, futuristic romance, time travel romance, etc.]
    Regency Historical Romance
    Romance Novella
    Romantic Suspense
    Young Adult Romance

    I have not noticed “Hugo Award winner” listed on covers of YA books which -have- won Hugos — not the Harry Potter novel, not Coraline, not Anne McCaffrey’s books packaged for YA readers, etc.

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