Journey Planet 69 – Andor 

The brilliance of Andor captured the imagination and excitement of many fans.  

Caught up in this enthusiasm are this issue of Journey Planets Co-Editors, Erin Underwood, John Coxon, James Bacon and Chris Garcia. They decided a matter of weeks ago that it would be fabulous to consider how enjoyable the TV series was and share views, insights and thoughts with an whole issue dedicated to Andor. 

With a stunning cover by Iain Clark, this issue contains an eclectic selection of views and thoughts. Get it here.

  • Andor: The Center of the Star Wars Storyverse by Erin Underwood
  • Andor Season 1 – Putting faces to the Empire and a cause for rebellion by James Mason
  • ANDOR: Star Wars Finally Grows Up by Tony Peak
  • Andor: Real People and the Rebellion by Chelsea Mueller
  • Star Wars Storytelling Matures with Andor by R. B. Wood
  • Andor: Faced with Violence by Brenda Noiseux
  • Vive la résistance! by John C. Foster
  • Based on by Peppard Saltine
  • We Always Knew There Was More to Star Wars by Carrie Vaughn
  • Shaping the Conflict: The Ominous Geometry of Andor by Hannah Strom-Martin
  • The Complexities of Revolution in Andor by Rich Horton
  • Droid Boy by Alexis & Kenneth Taylor-Butler
  • Andor – a rebellion, a consideration comparison and contrast of Andor with the Irish Rebellion of the early 20th century  by James Bacon
  • Andor: An Awakening by Edward Lazellari
  • Less Fan Service of Better Storytelling? by John Coxon
  • Jack ‘Gunner’ McCarthy and Captain of Intelligence Mary McGrath by James Bacon
  • Shadows of the British Empire by Dan Hartland
  • The Sounds of Andor by James Bacon
  • Instant Fanzine: Andor featuring Joelle Renstrom and Oghenechovwe Ekpeki

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2 thoughts on “Journey Planet 69 – Andor 

  1. I think I made it about half way through Andor. Episode seven or so. And for what it’s worth, I watched most of these first seven episodes at least two or three times each.

    I watched them repeatedly, because they failed to make any impression at all on me. It was the strangest thing. I’d watch an episode, and after it was over, I’d have no idea what it was about. I’d have to watch it again. Same result. If television can simulate Alzheimers, this was it.

    In the end, I gave it up. There was nothing interesting or distinctive, or meaningful. It was just dull and plodding, unlikeable uninteresting protagonists, stumbling through a vaguely gritty, vaguely gray world, against characters that might be disinterested adversaries.

    Apparently thought, it worked for other people. I’m glad for them.

  2. I thought Andor was fine/fun as long as I turned off the critical thinking part of my brain. But I’m a fan of grimdark fiction and Andor definitely had a darker plot.

    ‘There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running around with lit matches.’ Ray Bradbury

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