Jury Decides in Favor of San Diego Comic-Con

A federal jury ruled today that Salt Lake Comic Con infringed on a trademark held by San Diego Comic-Con by using the words “comic con” in their name without permission. However, the jury did not award the $12 million in damages sought by San Diego Comic-Con, only $20,000, finding no willful infringement of the copyright by SLCC.

The case was tried in San Diego. Defendants Dan Farr and Bryan Brandenburg have said that if the verdict went against them, Salt Lake Comic Con would appeal to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. They have previously told the media the court battle will not affect their ability to put on the next convention, which draws more than 100,000 people to the Salt Palace.

Deseret News reporter McKenzie Romero tweeted some specifics about the jury’s determinations:

[Thanks to Dave Doering for the story.]

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3 thoughts on “Jury Decides in Favor of San Diego Comic-Con

  1. So not quite QB VII, but I wonder if SDCC will think it was worth getting 0.167% of their target (assuming they don’t get dumped on appeal).

  2. Andrew Porter: The name “ComiCon” is surely not being used currently…

    Of course it’s being used by a bunch of conventions. But I’m not sure what your point is supposed to be.

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