Kickstarter for California Mythos Anthology

strange-california-coverEditors J. Daniel Batt and Jaym Gates have opened a Kickstarter appeal to fund publication of Strange California, their anthology featuring sf/f stories inspired by the complex mythologies of California.

Weirdness exists and is perceptible because it deforms our familiar reality. Strangeness, on the other hand, suggests a more lasting difference: that reality in the strange place has always been like that, and it is you who are out of place. This combination of distance from existing societies and the quest for (often commercial) dreams is far from isolated in California’s history; it could even to be said to be the modern state’s defining story….

Strange California is 26 tales of strangeness, lavishly illustrated, that will pull you into another world, a world where migrant girls stand up to witches who live in orange groves, where trickster magpies try to steal souls from Russian sisters in the early days of Fort Bragg, where water is both currency and predator, and Gold Rush-era ghosts wander the streets of San Francisco alongside panther ladies.

strange-calif-deeds-pull-quoteThe anthology will include 26 original stories from award-winning authors including Chaz Brenchley, Tim Pratt, Laura Anne Gilman, Seanan McGuire, Christie Yant, and more. Strange California also features artwork from celebrated artist Galen Dara.

The appeal has brought in $3,253 of its $14,000 goal as of this writing, with 25 days to go.


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2 thoughts on “Kickstarter for California Mythos Anthology

  1. Ok, that’s seriously cool. I’ll head over there and add my my pre-order. It sounds as interesting as The Starlit Woods anthology that came in this week, but I’ll admit I still miss the Terri Windling et al edited The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror anthologies.

    Thanks OGH for bringing this to my attention.

  2. Already backed it. One of the few times where the “projects similar to that other thing you backed” metric actually worked for me.

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