Langford Essay Collection Reissued as Ebook

up-starsDavid Langford’s Ansible Editions has published his nonfiction collection Up Through an Empty House of Stars: Reviews and Essays 1980-2002 as an ebook for the first time.

The collection originally appeared in 2003. The ebook has all of that content, plus five additional pieces from the 1980-2002 period, and the expanded, improved 2004 version of Langford’s humorous introduction from Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature. The book contains over 137,000 words.

Adam Roberts’ review of the 2003 edition said:

Some statistics: I read this collection right through in one [1] go. I nodded sagely in agreement eighty-four [84] times. I shook my head in disagreement five [5] times. I laughed out loud forty four [44] times, and smiled or smirked scores [20s] of times more. I took off my hat once [1], at the end, in tribute to Langford’s excellence as a critic. Actually, I’m making these figures up; but they give a ball-park sense of my response. This is a marvellous book. No reader of sf should miss it.

The Table of Contents follows the jump.

Here is the Table of Contents. New material is marked with a paragraph sign (¶).

  • Foreword


  • Digging Up the Future: G.K. Chesterton
  • Phyllis Eisenstein: Shadow of Earth (1979)
  • R.A. Lafferty: Does Anyone Else Have Something Further to Add? (1974)
  • Larry Niven: Ringworld Engineers (1979)
  • Mack Reynolds: Lagrange Five (1979)
  • Keith Roberts: Ladies from Hell (1979)


  • Gordon R. Dickson: The Spirit of Dorsai (1979)
  • Robert A. Heinlein: Expanded Universe (1980)
  • Robert A. Heinlein: “The Number of the Beast –” (1980)
  • Ian Watson and Michael Bishop: Under Heaven’s Bridge (1981)


  • On the Bestseller Trail: Aldiss, Donaldson and others ¶
  • Robert A. Heinlein: Friday (1982)
  • Bob Shaw: A Better Mantrap (1982)
  • John Sladek: Alien Accounts (1982)
  • George Turner: Vaneglory (1981)
  • Ian Watson: Deathhunter (1981)


  • R.A. Lafferty: Aurelia (1982)
  • Cornell Woolrich: The Fantastic Stories of Cornell Woolrich (1981), edited by Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg


  • On Anthony Boucher
  • The Michelin Guide to SF: On The Science Fiction Sourcebook (1984)


  • Isaac Asimov: The Robots of Dawn (1983)
  • G.K. Chesterton: The Ball and the Cross (1909)
  • Robert Irwin: The Arabian Nightmare (1983)
  • Frederik Pohl: Midas World (1983)
  • Lucius Shepard: Green Eyes (1984)


  • Frank Herbert: Chapter House Dune (1985)


  • Introduction: G.K. Chesterton Crime Omnibus ¶
  • Christine Brooke-Rose: Xorandor (1986)
  • Terry Pratchett: Equal Rites (1987)


  • Into the Parallel Universe: On Detective Fiction
  • Bent Corydon and L. Ron Hubbard Jr: L. Ron Hubbard: Messiah or Madman? (1987)


  • Greg Bear: Eternity (1988)


  • Dangerous Thoughts: Asimov’s Robots
  • Dougal Dixon: Man After Man (1990)
  • Charles Sheffield: Proteus Unbound (1989)


  • Crime and Chinoiserie: Ernest Bramah
  • Dr Fell: John Dickson Carr’s Great Detective ¶
  • “E.H.B.”: Who Put Back the Clock? (1889)
  • Robert Lambourne, Michael Shallis and Michael Shortland: Close Encounters? Science and Science Fiction (1990)


  • A Gadget Too Far
  • A Stout Fellow: Nero Wolfe
  • Damon Knight: One Side Laughing: Stories Unlike Other Stories (1991)


  • Key Reading: The Stories of Frank Key
  • Isaac Asimov: Forward the Foundation (1993)


  • James Blaylock: Lord Kelvin’s Machine (1992)
  • Michael Swanwick: The Iron Dragon’s Daughter (1993)
  • Gene Wolfe: Nightside the Long Sun (1993) and Lake of the Long Sun (1994)


  • The Badger Game: R. Lionel Fanthorpe
  • Hollywood Times Three: Condon, Pratchett, Queen
  • Clive Barker: Everville: The Second Book of the Art (1994)
  • Stephen Baxter: The Time Ships (1995)
  • Eric Brown: Engineman (1994)
  • Lois McMaster Bujold: Mirror Dance (1994)
  • David Prill: The Unnatural (1995)
  • Gene Wolfe: Caldé of the Long Sun (1994)


  • Albatross! Albatross!: On the Langford UFO book ¶
  • Ancient Prophets: Criswell Predicts
  • SF Books of the Damned: Eric Frank Russell’s Fortean SF
  • Wreath of Stars: Remembering Bob Shaw
  • Stephen Baxter: Ring (1994)
  • Martin Gardner: Urantia: The Great Cult Mystery (1995)
  • Christopher Priest: The Prestige (1995)


  • James White and Sector General
  • Unspeakable Horrors: The Necronomicon
  • Stephen Baxter: Vacuum Diagrams: Stories of the Xeelee Sequence (1997)
  • Greg Bear: / (Slant) (1997)
  • Gregory Benford: Foundation’s Fear (1997)
  • Arthur C. Clarke: 3001: The Final Odyssey (1997)
  • Tom Holt: Open Sesame (1997)
  • Tim Powers: Earthquake Weather (1997)
  • Jack Vance: Night Lamp (1996)
  • Tad Williams: Otherland: City of Golden Shadow ¶
  • Gene Wolfe: Exodus from the Long Sun (1996)


  • Gene Wolfe and Lexicon Urthus
  • George Hay Remembered
  • Iain M. Banks: qInversions (1998)
  • David Brin: The Second Uplift Trilogy (1995-1998)
  • Diana Wynne Jones: Deep Secret (1997)
  • Ken MacLeod: The Cassini Division (1998)
  • Elizabeth Hand: Glimmering (1997)
  • Frederik Pohl: O Pioneer! (1998)
  • Harry Turtledove: A World of Difference (1989)


  • Hacking the Brain
  • Stephen Baxter: Time (Manifold 1) (1999)
  • Hal Clement: Trio for Slide Rule and Typewriter (1999)
  • Michael Scott Rohan: The Castle of the Winds (1998)
  • Brian Stableford: Architects of Emortality (1999)
  • Peter Watts: Starfish (1999)
  • Gene Wolfe: On Blue’s Waters (1999)


  • Growing Up, Striking Back: Jack Vance
  • Introduction to Terry Pratchett: Guilty of Literature, ed. Andrew M. Butler, Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn ¶
  • Lois McMaster Bujold: A Civil Campaign: A Comedy of Biology and Manners (1999)
  • Arthur C. Clarke and Stephen Baxter: The Light of Other Days (2000)
  • Frank M. Robinson: Science Fiction of the 20th Century (1999)
  • Gene Wolfe: In Green’s Jungles (2000)


  • Maps: Collecting John Sladek
  • Donald Kingsbury: Psychohistorical Crisis (2001)
  • Alfred Kubin: The Other Side (2000)
  • Gene Wolfe: Return to the Whorl (2001)


  • Tom Holt: Man or Myth?
  • Kevin J. Anderson: Hidden Empire (2002)
  • John Barnes: The Merchants of Souls (2001)
  • China Miéville: The Scar (2002)
  • Original Appearances

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