Larry Correia Lies To His Fans About File 770

Larry Correia today told readers of his Facebook page that commenters here had said he wasn’t a “real” gamer, then devoted several hundred words to defending his gaming resume.

The problem? No such comment was posted here.

When called on it, Correia tried to blame his own fans for his lack of integrity.

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40 thoughts on “Larry Correia Lies To His Fans About File 770

  1. Seriously, is anyone surprised? Both reality and integrity seem to be foreign concepts to waaaay too many of those folks.

  2. It’s really difficult to understand why gaming conventions would decline to have an individual of such integrity and articulacy as one of their guests. 🙄

  3. “That was what I was told on my fan page.”

    And you just believed it without checking it out for yourself? Come on, dude. That’s just being stupid.

  4. Bless his heart. At least he seems capable of simple grammar.

    (He probably liked his own comment, too.)

  5. Flying off the handle over something someone passed on without bothering to verify if it were true. That’s a sign of something for sure.

  6. He must be reading the Liaden books now being reprinted by Baen; how else explain the grace and subtlety of his comments?

  7. Huh–it’s almost like someone was on this site in the last day or so and got their feelings hurt so they decided to start something.
    I never really connected to his stuff but figured it was all a matter of taste. After reading his response to Mr Glyer and the further filth from him; I’ll never give him a ‘try’ again.

  8. Correia has a troll who hangs out on his blog and periodically mentions File 770 and its editor with lies about what goes on here because he knows that every time he does so, he can provoke Correia into a screeching, mouth-frothing childish tantrum like this one. It’s both bizarre and kind of hilarious to see Correia being so easily manipulated, again and again.

  9. @Mike Glyer: I’m sorry he was such a you-know-what (one of those banned words 😉 ) to you.

    @JJ: That is various kinds of pathetic of both of them.

  10. The people who comment on Correia’s Facebook wall seem to really struggle with reading comprehension. They don’t seem to understand the difference between “you don’t speak for all gamers” and “you’re not a real gamer”.

  11. It’s an excuse for him to post how many $$$ he’s spent on games, and to brag about how outlandish his McMansion will be. He’s a small insecure man with pathetic followers with shitty ideals of what success means, so they glom onto all his “look how great I am” posts. They buoy his weak, frail and easily bruised ego and he gives them someone to live vicariously through. It’s an ouroboros of turds.

  12. Why do people even care about gamer cred!? I don’t get it. Its harder to find people who don’t play games nowadays.

  13. Why do people even care about gamer cred!? I don’t get it. Its harder to find people who don’t play games nowadays.

    I think your third sentence is (part of) the answer to your first. For many in the old guard of gaming – usually white, usually male – the increase in people playing and greater visibility of women, PoC and other minorities is a threat to the way their gamer identity is constructed. It becomes less “special” and the community as a whole becomes less tolerant of bad behaviour and bigotry that it used to be a safe space for when smaller.

    So, there are people (and not just in gaming) who spend a lot of time creating ever shifting criteria of what constitutes a “real” fan, whose real motivation is to only encircle those mostly white, mostly male self-described “elites”, and a select few from other demographics who are willing to play by and enforce their rules.

    Basically, Correia wants to be special, important, and safe. A snowflake, if you will.

  14. The entire issue aside, Correia has shown he doesn’t know how to behave politely in public. I’m really tired of people thinking the Internet is not public and not deserving of exercising discretion in how one treats others. He’s just one more person I want nothing to do with.

  15. The older I get, the less tolerant I am of gatekeeping – especially my own past examples of it (I sometimes want to go back in time and slap my younger self silly).

    If someone says I’m not a “real gamer” I shrug and avoid that person – not post lies about who said it. I play a couple of games. That puts me in the gamer category, whether the gatekeepers like it or not.

    LC is so offended when someone lies about someone gatekeeping him… but he’s constantly gatekeeping everyone else. It’s very sad to see.

  16. I love how much “snowflake” is the Right’s go-to insult when it seems that they’re the ones who keep melting down all the time.

  17. Wow, Correia is really an object lesson in how not to behave. Instead of saying, “whoops, my bad, next time I’ll verify before assuming that what I’ve been told is true”, he’s now posted BIG BABY TANTRUM PART II in which he’s insisting that the comment that he “isn’t a real gamer” actually existed and was deleted, even though two different fans of his have now verified to him that they were reading the File 770 thread before he ever found out about it, and no such comment was ever posted.

    For all the success that he’s had with his MHI franchise, he’s awfully insecure and thin-skinned. The guy that provoked him into this tantrum with the lie about File 770 must be laughing his ass off at how easily manipulated Correia is.

    It’s interesting to compare this reaction to the way Scalzi reacts when someone criticizes him. What a world of difference, between someone who is massively insecure and someone who is self-confident and self-secure.

  18. He should be able to find solace in the viewing of his collection of Hugo rockets.
    Oh, wait …

  19. ” find solace in the viewing of his collection of Hugo rockets” — seriously, these days that’s like an aged spinster finding solace in viewing her prom corsage.

  20. Richard Mcenroe on January 13, 2019 at 4:54 pm said:

    It’s sure nice that you can read OGH’s mind. (You might want to find out how to use a search engine: you’ll learn so much more that way.)

  21. My question to you, Mike Glyer, is if you really don’t like Larry Correia, why do you follow his page?

  22. Doglas Cahill: You’re begging the question by assuming I follow his page. But when I saw an unexplained burst of hits on a (by now) old news item, I guessed correctly it was because Larry had blown a gasket online and hundreds of his fans had scurried over here to read what he was complaining about. And then I found what he was complaining about is something that had never been posted here in the first place.

    And now folks like you realize he’s shot himself in the foot again and hasten here to try and prop him up. Why do you bother?

  23. Richard McEnroe: find solace in the viewing of his collection of Hugo rockets” — seriously, these days that’s like an aged spinster finding solace in viewing her prom corsage.

    Haha, how totally like a Puppy to assume that a woman with no current male partner is sitting home crying about it, instead of having a great time doing whatever is her thing. 😆

    It’s funny how the people who don’t have Hugo Awards keep assuring everyone else that they have no meaning… and yet Hugos still mean as much as they ever did to the only people whose opinion matters: the people who give them out.

  24. An absolutely perfect capture of the Puppy campaigns in a single screenshot. Misinformation, credulity, petty name-calling, irrational anger when called on his horseshit…

  25. @JJ: It’s funny how the people who don’t have Hugo Awards keep assuring everyone else that they have no meaning.

    It’s also funny how desperately those same people want one.

  26. And now folks like you realize he’s shot himself in the foot again and hasten here to try and prop him up. Why do you bother?

    Maybe it’s a marketing thing. He does have his own line of bullets. They have these cute little pictures of sealions on them.

  27. Pingback: Perjury, Not Piracy Is The Problem | File 770

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