Last Dangerous Visions Acquired By Blackstone Publishing

J. Michael Straczynski today announced that a deal to publish Harlan Ellison’s The Last Dangerous Visions, as well as its predecessors, Dangerous Visions and Again, Dangerous Visions has been struck with Blackstone Publishing via Emma Parry at the Janklow & Nesbit Agency, and was announced at the London Book Fair. He says the book is slated for publication in 2023.

Straczynski also told Facebook readers:

Blackstone is a major, mainstream publisher, handling such authors as Cory Doctorow, Ben Bova and James Clavell, and has the capacity to get Harlan’s work out into brick-and-mortar bookstores as well as online retailers in mass market editions for the first time in many years.

The books will be published in hardcover, paperback, ebook and audiobook. They will be available for purchase individually and in a separate, unified edition. With TLDV formally finished and scheduled for publication, this completes the Dangerous Vision trilogy of anthologies.

[Thanks to John Mark Ockerbloom for the story.]

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11 thoughts on “Last Dangerous Visions Acquired By Blackstone Publishing

  1. @Iain: Didn’t Lester del Rey write a short novel by that title?

    All kidding aside, 2023. A year to look forward to. I have the first two, I think both in Book Club printings on the heels of the first editions. I may buy a new set of all three in hardcover. I suspect TLDV will be at least as fat a book as ADV. If Straczynski did nothing else for science fiction, he produced Babylon 5 and TLDV. Those alone are worthy of some kind of award or other special recognition.

  2. I’m reasonably sure that I’ve sure that I’ve read all of the fiction of the existing Dangerous Visions but it’s been so long now, decades now at least, that I don’t remember hardly anything of what I read. I remember some was very good.

  3. It’s been a long time and I’m a lot older than when I read the first two publications but I’m definitely looking forward to it.

  4. I seem to recall that Ellison was writing introductions to the various stories. I wonder if any of those introductions (if finished) will be included? I’m just impressed they managed to get the rights to those stories!

  5. I checked to see whether Blackstone had announced a release date yet for this one, and found a brief “coming soon” page that now has the release date as September 1, 2024: I don’t know how firm a date that is (especially given that it’s several months past 2023, the year announced earlier), but it is a date. They also have a page for Ellison’s Dangerous Visions (presumably a re-release of his original anthology) with a release date of September 1, 2023:

  6. Pingback: The Last Dangerous Visions Has Release Date | File 770

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