MidAmeriCon II Hugo Base Contest

MidAmeriCon II will continue the successful strategy of running a contest to find a great design for the 2016 Hugo base.

Design proposals must be submitted by January 18, 2016.

All submissions need to include:

  • Drawings, sketches, and, preferably, a fabricated sample of the proposed base unit accommodating the provided specifications.
  • Cost estimate per base, and estimated total cost for the fabrication and shipping of 40 base units. As a guideline, bases should cost no more than $150 each to fabricate.
  • Lead time needed to make the bases. The contest winner will be selected by late February 2016, and announced shortly afterward. Delivery of approximately 40 bases to MidAmeriCon II, at an address in the United States, will be expected in June 2016.
  • Proof of your ability to either craft the bases or arrange for the work to be done.

The winner will receive a full Attending membership for MidAmeriCon II, and take part in the public unveiling of their design at the convention’s Opening Ceremonies and at the Hugo Awards Ceremony.

Photos of past Hugo awards can be viewed at the official Hugo Awards website.

Full details are here.

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22 thoughts on “MidAmeriCon II Hugo Base Contest

  1. While I second Jim’s proposal, I also suggest:

    (i) Lovecraft – because it’s not like there will be any other kerfuffles then right?

    (ii) A dragon – because dammit, someone has to beat Meredith to that.

  2. Craig Spector suggested an award that incorporates a mirror. That way, it can reflect whomever is looking at it. No more kerfuffle.

  3. It should look like P.C. Hodgell, of course.


    P.S. But yeah, Jim wins the thread with comments #1 and #5. . . .

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  5. Robert Whitaker Sirignano on November 17, 2015 at 7:20 am said:

    The base should make the rocket vibrate. So award has more than one use.

    Here now, aren’t you the fellow who was *just* complaining that people were critiquing the maquette for the Heinlein bust in the Missouri state house?

  6. If I’m reading this post correctly (at the beginning, not the wise ass comments I contributed to) the committee wants the Artist to do the construction and delivery. A good number of the artists in fandom and prodom are often short of funds. How is…?

  7. Robert Whitaker Sirignano on November 19, 2015 at 4:44 am said:

    If I’m reading this post correctly (at the beginning, not the wise ass comments I contributed to) the committee wants the Artist to do the construction and delivery. A good number of the artists in fandom and prodom are often short of funds. How is…?

    I’m not sure I understand the question.

    (Professional artist here, so if I can I might be able to help answer.)

  8. Robert Whitaker Sirignano: Would you be able to afford to do 40 bases and deliver them on time?

    It’s my understanding that the RFP for Hugo bases includes a budget, that is used as part of the decision-making process for commissioning the bases, and the commissioned artist is given that budget for producing the bases.

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