More Free TAFF Reports and Ebooks

Steve Stiles cover Wrath of the Fanglord by LangfordNow available free ebook at the TAFF site is David Langford’s 1998 personal fanthology Wrath of the Fanglord, with a cover by Steve Stiles.

And there have been two other additions since the free ebooks page launched in May:

  • Chris Evans (editor) – Conspiracy Theories (the post-1987-Worldcon symposium)
  • Rob Hansen – THEN (History of UK fandom 1930-1980)


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4 thoughts on “More Free TAFF Reports and Ebooks

  1. Thanks for picking this up again, Mike. Suggestions for what to add next would be welcome. I’d like to offer more classic TAFF reports, but a lot of the material would need to be rekeyed. So far I’ve been coasting along with work I already had in digital form.

  2. Very cool. For material that’s in a paper-only format, there’s always scannin and OCR. The results won’t be perfect, but they will be faster to fix than typing the whole thing by hand would be.

  3. Thanks once again to Dave Langford for putting in the work on this. We’ve already received donations from people who have downloaded these books.

  4. Since Dave is asking for suggestions, something I’d like to see is a collection of Ron Bennett articles, including (of course) his TAFF report.

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