Nila Thompson Passes Away

Nila Thompson (1954-2016), St. Louis club and con fan, Anglophile, who came in to fandom via Star Trek and met her husband David K. M. Klaus at a Trek club meeting.  Partially fafiated to raise to adulthood two of the Next Generation of fen, but never lost her love for sf/fantasy, written or screened, esp. any with a British theme.  Died on December 10 of ovarian cancer, body buried in a deliberately natural fashion so that it can nourish the future.  She was 62.

[Thanks to David K.M. Klaus for the story.]

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4 thoughts on “Nila Thompson Passes Away

  1. David, I’m so sorry for your and your childrens’ loss. I hope that your good memories will be a comfort to you, and I wish you all the best in the coming year.

  2. Mike, she was 62.

    Regardless of that, thank you. Nila was glad to have met you.

    JJ, I’m sorry that I don’t know who you are behind those initials, but thank you nonetheless.

  3. Ack! I don’t know why I typo’ed her birth year, except that it’s one year off my own and I hit the wronk, uh, wrong key.

    Nila was born in 1954 — my error, not Mike’s.

    At least I never forgot our anniversaries.

    And I will miss her every single one of them.

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