Norma K Hemming Award 2016 Call for Nominations

The Australian Science Fiction Foundation (ASFF) invites eligible submissions for the 2016 Norma K Hemming Award.

The award recognizes excellence in the exploration of themes of race, gender, sexuality, class and disability in speculative fiction first published in Australia or by an Australian citizen in calendar year 2015.

Rules,  including eligibility criteria, and the Entry Form may be downloaded from the ASFF website here.

The closing date for receipt of entries by the administrator is close of business on Friday, December 11 2015. Eligible works scheduled for publication between December 11-31 may be submitted, provided that a duly completed Entry Form is received by December 11 and review copies of the books are mailed to the Judges as specified in Item 7 of the Entry Form to reach them by post by December 11.

Jurors for the award are editor Sarah Endacott, writer, editor and publisher Rob Gerrand and writers Tess Williams and Sean McMullen.

The 2016 Norma K Hemming Award will be presented at Contact 2016, the 55th Australian National Science Fiction Convention in Brisbane, Queensland, on 25-28 March 2016.

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