Once a Knight

Terry Pratchett has been knighted for his services to literature in the annual Queens’ New Year Honours list. Writing dozens of popular novels, including 36 in the Discworld series, might have been enough to attract such an honor, but he has also taken on the role of a public spokesman for greater attention and research into Alzheimer’s since being diagnosed with the disease.

This BBC profile of Pratchett includes two videos, one responding to news of his knighthood, the other discussing the stigma of dementia.

[Thanks to Andrew Porter for the story.]

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One thought on “Once a Knight

  1. I’ll probably be yelled at (gee, what a rare occurrence!) for saying this, but I suspect that receiving a knighthood from Her Royal Majesty the Queen of England trumps being a Knight of the Society for Creative Anachronism or a Knight of Saint Fantony.

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