Out of Phase

Vegas has seen the final Frontier — the hotel blown up in 2007 — but it’s giving that famous 5-(going on 45)-year voyage another lease on life. Just be patient. The revived Star Trek Experience in Downtown Las Vegas will not open the same date as the new movie, as the developer once predicted:

The story is, CBS has essentially taken control of the Star Trek universe (Or is it galaxy? Whichever intergalactic term fits) and will not permit any phaser, I mean phase, of the attraction to open in conjunction with the movie’s release.

[Thanks to David Klaus for the link.]

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One thought on “Out of Phase

  1. Dunno how well it’ll do there. As noted in the article linked to in the article you linked to, occupancy of commercial entities in Neonopolis dropped quickly starting almost as soon as it opened in 2003. The new tenants are offices, studios, and other more worklike places for the most part. There’s also no easy access from the Strip without a car, unless you’re willing to brave LV transit buses for several miles.

    Or, as I put it when I heard about plans for the Experience to relocate to such a prototypical “dead mall”, “They’re boldly going where no one goes”.

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