Peter David Progress Report

Peter David suffered a stroke in December but has made such good progress that he expects to return home this weekend.

In the meantime, his medical expenses are mounting. His wife, Kathleen, wrote on Peter’s blog:

I can say that the scary bills from last month are showing up in the mailbox and they are very scary. Again I would thank Marvel Entertainment for all their support and the insurance that they provide us. If I needed proof that the healthcare system in America is not in great shape, I got it in spades in my mailbox this week.

Fortunately, Peter’s friends, family and colleagues are rallying to his side with emotional and financial support.

Two Peter David benefit auctions are being organized.

Ariel L. David appealed for donations of items to auction at cons and online. The first of these auctions will happen at Farpoint, a convention over Valentine’s weekend. When she has enough items she’ll be working with Glenn Hauman to begin internet auctions. Donors can reach her at [email protected].

Another auction is being hosted at JK Woodward’s blog. Woodward has worked with Peter David on Fallen Angel as its artist since it moved to IDW. The auction goes live on February 13. Information about the auction and progress reports on art donations received are linked here, here, here, here and here.

Some early contributors to the art auction are Pablo Raimondi (X-Factor:cover Maddrox), Valentine De Landro (X-Factor:Layla), Steve Bryant (Fallen Angel:Jude), Jamal Igle (Linda Danvers Supergirl and Ariella), Emanuela Lupacchino (X-Factor:Syren), Paul Davidson (X-Factor: pages), Joe Corroney (Spike), andJK Woodward himself (Fallen Angel:Liandra).

[Via Dennis McCunney.]

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